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The JEZEBEL Spirit

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gracee (lionhgirl) wrote:
This convo was a while ago... but just wondering, what if the person isn't aware they have that spirit? and say, I see this identifying things in a friend, what are you supposed to do?
I would just add to what Cholette said--love them, pray for them, but also part of loving someone is not allowing him/her to control/manipulate you. If your friend is guilting you into doing things for her, call her on it or at least say no because things will only get worse if you don't.

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WOW...I forgot all about this post!  A lot has taken place since I first started this post.  

I mentioned the story about the young lady in my church who was always in my face and giving me prophetic words, well my Pastor formed a prophetic team at our church.  He hand picked certain people to be on this team and put me in charge of training and getting everyone ready to minister as a team whenever we were called upon.  Well, this person is on the team.  I was okay with her being on the team, but for some reason I felt helpless in training her because she is so BIG with everything that she does.  She likes to be seen.  I love her dearly and is very sweet and has a heart for people, but in my heart I wanted to know how to work with her without being harsh.

Well, recently she was going around and telling people that I wasn't training her properly.  She said she was void of understanding how to operate in the prophetic.  That baffled me because she went through prophetic training through the school of ministry just like I did and everyone else that is on the team.  Our Pastor taught us everything that we know. For some reason she told key people in my life that I wasn't training her properly.  After three people came to me to tell me what she was saying, I went to my pastor to let him know what was going on and I he told me that he already had a meeting planned with her that week and that he wanted me to come in so I could ask her about what was said.  Well that meeting never happened.  I waited for the meeting to be rescheduled, but nothing so I went to her after church soon after and asked her about it.  She lied in my face and had this look and tone that was patronizing.  She was calling me "sweetie" and telling me that she never would say anything like that about me.  I knew she was lying, but what could I do.  If I would have called her on it, it would have caused a scene after church so I dropped it.  

One of the things a manipulative spirit will do is to tear you down behind your back and pretend that it's not happening.  She knows that I know what the truth is.  I've had to walk this situation out in my heart and not allow it to disrupt my relationship with her.  I've learned (and still learning) to seperate the spirit from the person and that was the hardest thing ever.  She's been to my house and everything, but I know that my continuing intercession and love for her will get her to the place where she can truly operate in the pureness of the prophetic gift that God put inside of her.  She is one of the next prophets that will eventually be ordained in our church.  I just need to wait on God's strategy so he can help me to help her.

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nerd ugh, she shudnt be ordained but stood down for a season, she may have a gift in the prophetic , but dont have the character to move in that gift right now, the true nature of a jezzybell spirit is to ursurp, pull down, take control. she has already lied to ur face, been condecending,  shocked  ,,and spread dicention amoung ur peers, her real ''fruit'' is now coming on show,  disappointed im sure pride will surface soon, truely a difficult time, i just hope ur pasta is fully aware of evrythang goin down,  holy moly 

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Hi Cholette,

I hope God's perfect will is done in this situation and your colleague undergoes a spiritual transformation and recognizes her wrongdoings. Blessings for your humility.

Random: It's so interesting how this topic popped back up. My name is Jasmine, but yesterday one of my colleagues called me Jezebel because they said they liked that name and want to name their daughter that. Simply said, I was taken by surprise. I am sure my facial expression said it all. I told them I denounce and reject that name and asked them if they knew what the name means. They said they want their daughter to be a man-magnet. I just really didn't know what else to say except asking them nicely not to call me that. If they bring it back up tomorrow, after lecture I am thinking of pulling them to the side and sharing 1 Kings and 2 Kings and proposing other names like Jewel or Joy.

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Dee...yes, my pastor is full aware, but just like the rest of us who have issues, he's extending the same grace to her as we get when we aren't behaving in the way we should.  Of course he will not ordain her in the state that she's in, but he's patient.  He's all about people's true purpose and seeing them walk in their callings.  I look at my life and wonder why God would call me because I know I'm processing through some things, but God is still working through me.

Jazzy, yes, I would denounce that and kindly let them know not to call you that name.  Names are literally labels and the definition of names is a serious matter.  You can inform them if they are open to receive it, but if not...pray for them on your own and send them forward in God's love.  I have NEVER in my life known anyone who would desire to name their daughter "Jezebel".  Even the world recognizes it as a derogatory name.

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ok, yes wer all fallen ppl,  nerd sounds like she needs decipleing ,,sometimes its jus plain old imaturity and insecurity,, but if she cant stop doin wateva, a good session of ole time delivrance  shocked :hairraising: wud suffice hee hee 

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Yes, she hasn't come to see me yet...I do the deliverance at my church too...hehehehehe!

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