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Posts posted by streetfighter

  1. @Davehutch wrote:
    Embarassed thank you salute its down to you and other members , it would be nothing with out you all , But it is nice to hear stuff like this , it makes it all worth while and lets hope it grows from strength to strength over the years , and we get to meet more of each other ,

    Thanks again m8 cheers

    @Stue11 wrote:
    No worries Mick thats what we are all here for bike or not were here for when you want a chat, moan, cry, etc etc nice to hear though mate thumbspartypartyparty

    @dick65 wrote:
    @Davehutch wrote:
    Embarassed thank you salute its down to you and other members , it would be nothing with out you all , But it is nice to hear stuff like this , it makes it all worth while and lets hope it grows from strength to strength over the years , and we get to meet more of each other ,

    Thanks again m8 cheers
    agree well said Dave thumbsthumbs

    Thank you thumbs hoping to get another bike early part of next year, cant be doing the car thing its doin my head in, plus i feel like a taxi driver with the kids the wife normally does the ferrying about coz ya cant get 4 kids on the bike at once lol

  2. @dick65 wrote:
    @Stue11 wrote:
    well stue was right about fight friday apparently there was four stabbings in town last night one fatal 17 year old had his throat slashed and died so be careful people
    Told ya Sad dunno whats wrong with folk these days..what wrong with a good old fist fight....not that im saying thats fine also but come on knifes Shocked

    not like the old days couple of slaps and homeward bound

    Thats what frightens me when my boy gets older, and why me an the mrs (deb) supports him in his skating and scootering, its such a shame of what this world is coming to, half of these stabbings and shooting of each other is down to knocking someones drink or something silly, and it happens to the wrong person half the time, its such a shame, look what christmas them families are going to ave now my thoughts are with them

  3. Thanks for all the compliments and he is good should keep it up, never know may be sponsership one day, my free run team did, now they train with the best free runners in england. Just tell him to be careful, Ive messed my back up for life since that fall I had, I've missed out on training with the best guys at free running in the UK due to it, kinda sucks. Just make sure he knows his limits, dont want him hurt Smilethumbs

    Good stuff though Smile

    Yeh he does no what he is doin goes all over the place diferent skate parks but he enjoys it, and i'd rather him doin that then on the street corner being a scrot getting up to no good, so a few broken bones dont hurt plus before he try's his new stuff its always in the foam pit first.
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