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Posts posted by Whitsy

  1. Whilst you are in the 400 channels keep an eye on ESPN classics...
    Very often you can find best of Grand Prix or WSB races.
    Watched the seventies Transatlantic Trophy races this year. Spencer, Roberts, Sheene et al with the viscious 2 strokes!!

  2. I have worked for shit loads of money and also for shit money (one year it cost me more to work away from home than I made) but I loved my job and that carried me through...

    But in the back of my mind was that I cant do this job when 60

    So, one last question to ask yourself is...

    Would I be better off in a nice warmish office or scratting around in a cold open workshop in 15 years time... Which will be worse for your health, stress or arthritus??

    Good luck whatever!!

  3. Nice vid, thumbs would sell my soul for a bit of that weather and them roads at the mo. Very Happy

    Not your soul....Just need a cheap flight, spare bikes in the garage!! Smile

    Peejay wrote:

    Great vid mate

    Bit risky riding on the wrong side of the road like that, especially in Wales.

    The local fast boys use both sides of the road.... This road is not even on the map books yet hence the lack of tourist traffic. It was just a gravel road a few years back.

  4. Hi Anna welcome

    Diane is from Lockerbie (just a Scot)
    Miss the empty roads and great scenery Scotland has to offer.
    Everyone should take a ride up the west coast sometime. thumbs

    Still we have empty roads and sun now Cool

  5. We are off to the beach party to watch the fireworks, then a band in the harbour car park. party

    Not too big a night as I have to keep with tradition a go for a new years day ride. moped

    Hope to catch up with a few of the midlands guys down at Comp Log in Melbourne or anyone else at the Pirelli tent at BSB meetings.

    Enjoy and stay safe(ish)

  6. Trying to copy a video tape onto a CD so I can load up an orchestra for all tastes...
    I used to work for HRC and one job was to prep the bikes sent over from the Honda Museum for the Goodwood festival.
    Got everything, old and new from 125, 250, 500 and MGP including the 1st Honda F1 car.
    Only got to ride the RC45 though. Sad

  7. And why are cars treated differently... Surely the emergency stop in a car should be done at 32mph which would need to be done off road??

    Wonder if all the people who failed or worse got injured trying to take the euro swerve test have a claim??? Not that I am into compensation claiming for the hell of it but someone in government needs to be brought to book.

    Once again euro laws are made and motorcyclists are never consulted....
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