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Posts posted by Zainab7

  1. Hello. I am relatively new to this forum, and I have become discouraged. I no longer desire to post any of my dreams even though I have only posted one or two. I am glad that correction has come to this cite and not every cite is welcomed. Some of the posts I have read do not seem like they are coming from the Lord and it discourages me to read them. Please pray for me because I am DISCOURAGED!

    crying crying crying praying

  2. Hello. It has been known by those in the prophetic arena that the Eagle symbolizes the prophetic. I have a friend who was called to be a prophetess and she had dreams about eagles all the time. She shared with me the eagle represents the prophetic.

    The fact that the eagle in your dream turned into a man and then there was a symbol representing (Canadian) could represent a prophetic ministry to prophesy to that region. Also the fact that the man laid his hand on your shoulder could represent the prophetic anointing and you being anointed or called to the prophetic.

    Make sure you pray about this. Only the Holy Spirit can interpret dreams. God Bless

  3. Hello, hisbeautyforashes. According to my perception, I believe you are being called to intercession. I believe you are being called to stand in the gap for people and nations. I am not an interpreter of dreams, only the Holy Spirit can do this. I have however, been called to intercede and sometimes, maybe even often times, prophetic intercessors will be shown things that are catastrophic. A hint of advice from one who has been there. Sometimes it is not good to share all your dreams. Many will not understand them for one reason or the other. The best thing to do is ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment when it comes to sharing your dreams. It is more safe to ask the Lord himself to give you the interpretation of what He shows you in many cases.

    praying :cmere:

  4. Hello. Thanks for your comment. I actually think that you are somewhat right. I was wondering if the Toyota Camery was symbolic of me going forth in my ministry and that Pastors ministry has crashed. I won't go into detail, but I am aware that when that pastor was my pastor, he displayed behavior somewhat like Saul who was so jealous of David that he tried to kill him. Perhaps this Pastor has changed for the better, and he may be repentant, however the dream indicates to me that he may still have some dislike towards me because I am going forward. The best thing for be to do is pray for him.

    :uhoh: praying


  5. Thank you for your prayer! This is very encouraging. Yes, I was feeling a little fearful. I yearn to hear the voice of the Lord only, and not any other voices and this is one of my constant prayers. Thanks again for praying!

    By the way I am a female. My name means "a blossoming flower" in the Arabic world. thumbs

  6. My take on Obama being promoted is this. Obama has said he himself does not believe in same sex marriages or abortion. However, he will not try to choose for those who do. McCaine may not believe in same sex marriages or abortion, but what is the difference between abortion(murder) and the hundreds of thousands of deaths of people due to the war. Why believe that abortion is wrong, but that other killings are o.k.? McCaine may not believe in same sex marriage, but what is the difference between this sin and oppressing the poor which Jesus Christ destests? The bottom line is there is no sin that is less than a sin than any other. The Lord says that we must pray for our leaders and government and it is clear why He said so.

    Why base our decisions on who to vote for simply because McCaine stands against 2 sins but commits others. If we should vote for anyone based on good morals, then it should be based on them abiding by the entire word of God not just a few sins. Lying, oppressing the poor, slander(mud slinging), bearing false witnesses and so on was seen during this election. I think we have yet to see a president that abides by the whole law/word of God whether they are democrat or republican.


  7. Hello. I had a dream that I saw my old pastor and it seemed like he was looking at me in anger. I heard in the dream that that pastor crashed his car which I believe was a Toyota Camrey. I then drove by him in my own Toyota Camery and it seems like I was driving someone to church. It's funny because I don't own a car right now, and it is funny that the car the pastor crashed was a Toyota, which was black, and mine was grey. Any ideas!


  8. Hello all. It seems to me that there seems to be a drought of the prophetic word. I very rarely even hear of a true prophet in the land. I know there are many, but seems like to me they have gone off the seen. It is so difficult to find a church that operates in the true Apostolic and Prophetic anointing. I live hear in Springfield, Massachusetts (New England), where many churches seem to only focus on the evangelist, the teacher, and the pastor. I have witnessed and experienced the glory of God and the prophetic, and I miss God in that way. I love Jesus and believe that the apostolic and prophetic anointing is very necessary for the building up of His church and for the increasing of His Kingdom!

    Can someone respond?

    Zainab :uhoh:
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