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Posts posted by doyle

  1. Hi
    Please could you help me with this. For years now I have been experiencing a reoccurring dream. The theme remains the same but the surroundings change. I dream that I go in search of an old boyfriend but I never find him. I am aware that he is close by, but never manage to see him. He is from another country, and I travel to his native land to find him. In the dream I experience a real drive and urgency to find him.

    At first I wondered whether this was a distraction, but I am wondering if there is something deeper that God is trying to show me. This person was my "first love" we met when i was 15 years old. I became a Christian at the age of 19. our relationship ended a few months before this.

    I have been very happily married for nearly 14 years, I am very active in developing my spirituality, have two beautiful children, and see no threat to this. I wish I could understand what’s happening. My husband and i have a very open relationship and he is aware of this dream. I have prayed about "soul ties" etc etc, but the dreams are vivid and intense.

  2. Please could you help me with this. For years now I have been experiencing a reoccurring dream. The theme remains the same but the surroundings change. I dream that I go in search of an old boyfriend but I never find him. I am aware that he is close by, but never manage to see him. He is from another country, and I travel to his native land to find him. In the dream I experience a real drive and urgency to find him.

    At first I wondered whether this was a distraction, but I am wondering if there is something deeper that God is trying to show me. This person was my "first love" we met when i was 15 years old. I became a Christian at the age of 19. our relationship ended a few months before this.

    I have been very happily married for nearly 14 years, I am very active in developing my spirituality, have two beautiful children, and see no threat to this. I wish I could understand what’s happening. My husband and i have a very open relationship and he is aware of this dream. I have prayed about "soul ties" etc etc, but the dreams are vivid and intense.

    Would be greatful for any insight!!!
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