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Posts posted by victoriouspalmbranch

  1. Two nights ago I dreamed I was in a large auditorium type place. There were some other people with me and I think we were going to speak before a large group of people. The people were African American. I noticed specifically that the crowd was not a mixture of races, but all African American. And I think the city was "Cleveland, Oh." I stood beside 3 chairs. I was supposed to be seated in one of them. I stood watching as the seats in the audiotrium were filled and the room became overcrowded. And I worried that there wouldn't be enough seating for all the people who were coming into the room. As I stood waiting a father and his two children, a little boy and a baby, perhaps another boy came and sat in the three seats where I was going to sit. I went into an ajoining room where I found more African American people and I wondered why they hadn't joined in the auditorium. Was it too crowded? Was there no room for them. Then I noticed that they were being served food from a kitchen window (like you might find in a school) and sitting at tables to eat. These people apparently neede to be "fed" before they could go into the auditorium. For some reason I left and started walking toward the city..... tall buildings. And when I turned to head back, I found I wasn't on the same street which I had walked towards the city. I got lost and couldn't find my way back. I used a cell phone to call my sister to come get me and take me back to the place where I was going to speak, or minister with the others. (In real life I woke up to the alarm clock which in my dream I mistook for the ringing cell phone)

    This is not the only dream I've had in this past month in which I got lost. In the others I misplaced my vehicle and couldn't get back home.

    Now I think the Lord has been showing me how I became impatient with growing in prophetic ministry this past year. But this dream made me wonder if he intended for me to minister to a certain group of people, ethinic wise?

    And what would the city of Cleveland, Oh represent?

  2. About a month ago I dreamed I was returning movies at a video store, and there I filled out a job application for a supermarket. When I left the store, I could not find my "vehicle".
    A few nights ago I dreamed I was in an open area of a large building (like a lobby) and through glass windows I could see into rooms. I saw a lady who resembled one of my bosses at work "exercising". I left the building and went outside and could not find my vehicle. I also sensed I was at a place which was a lot farther away than what I intended to go. A lady came in another car and said she would take me to where I parked my vehicle and dropped me off in an area (large parking lot with lots of cars) but I could not find my car. I realized I was at some type of festival. There were lots and lots of people and a large stone image of Abraham LIncoln. I found myself walking the festival grounds with my family.

    I think I know what some of the other elements in the dream mean, but I am not clear on what the vehicle represents, either my life or the ministry I am supposed to be involved in? I know I have gotten off track.

  3. I dreamed my husband and I were in a room with a hamster cage sitting on a table. The hamster was saying it wanted $100 for Christmas. Our son said that wasn't fair because he wasn't getting as much. So we decided not to give the hamster that much.

    Then I saw the hamster running around in a penned off area in like a garage. My husband threw in an ear of corn for it to eat. I saw the ear of corn and realized it wasn't real. I said to him, "wait, isn't that plastic?"

    I thought if the hamster ate the plastic ear of corn it would die. But my husband didn't seem to care.

    I think the hamster represented my daughter because of my sons protest about the money. Maybe the Lord is showing me some behavior issues with my daughter. I know hamsters are nocturnal and destructive, but what other things come to mind about them? And whats with the money and plastic corn?

  4. I don't think this would go on in my "new church", which is why I was a little concerned that I thought there were members of my new church there. To be honest I actually left the Brethren denomination to go to the Pentecostal/Charismatic denomination because I was not growing spiritually.

  5. Here are two examples...

    When my kids were little and first started school I would see them off and go back to sleep in a chair in the living room. When I was sleeping I would dream over and over again that I was waking up, getting up, getting ready for the day, going about my buisness etc. The dream would repeat itself over and over and over again and at somepoint I would dream that I forgot to lock the front door. I would get up to go lock the door and as I approached it the handle would turn as if someone were going to come in. Then I'd be startled out of my sleep, fearful and annoyed that I hadn't been awake all that time doing the things I'd thought I'd done. It would be much later than I had originally wanted to sleep in and I felt as if I had been trapped by some nightmares.

    On another occasion (last year) I dreamed I was at my work in a department store and the ground was falling from beneath me. I felt this "dark presence" in the dream and I'd try to grab on to a clothing rack so I would not be sucked down into this swirling vortex beneath me. I just really sensed something dark and evil in that dream.

    I am going to go back and reread through the posts later... Getting ready to go out for the day right now.

  6. My old church was actually a protestant denomination, not Catholic. And I wondered if the Lord was showing me the merging of denominations/religions... as people will someday be deceived and led to worship antichrist.

    But if this is the case, then this is the first prophetic dream I've had that had to do more with a group of people than an individual.

  7. I have dreamed dreams I am sure were from the devil. They are called nightmares. I've also been attacked by a demon (which is another subject) in the stage between sleeping and waking up. I felt it crushing my chest and trying to choke me. I told it to leave in Jesus name and it went.

    I would like to know if the devil/demons read our mind or put thoughts in there. What are the limitations?

  8. I dreamed I was inside a church with people from my old (lukewarm) church, possibly my new church and others. We were sitting in pews watching a wedding. I did not see the bride and grooms faces. During the ceremony a woman sitting in a pew behind me got up and started singing a song in Latin, a worship song to Mary. In my dream I was annoyed by this. I also wondered why I was with all these people and didn't feel that we should be together. Then the ushers came around and started passing out
    "cake" into the pews which I kept refusing to take and they kept shoving it towards me even though I did not want it.

  9. I had one dream this morning and awoke telling myself it was probably just a random dream and the Lord wasn't speaking to me. (HAH!) So I fell back asleep and had a second dream with the same element in it... "white paint."

    1st Dream: My father was buying an old house in a city we had never been to before. I was trying to tell him he was going about the buying process wrong... he wasn't having the house inspected, and wasn't getting insurance on it. There was an issue with the amount of money he was paying for it too, I don't remember. I took issue with that too. He paid for it in cash. The interior of the house was in need of a paint job so my father left and went to buy some paint. I imagined in my mind the house would be painted white on the inside. I selected a wing of the house for myself which contained a room divided into 3 sections... a bedroom, a living area and a small office between those two areas. I then went into the bathroom where I saw my "mother" at the counter/sink area and I sensed she needed the "office" area of my room more than I did so I told her I would give it to her. Then I used the potty (urinated) and when I got up from it I noted that someone had used it before me and had diahreah.

    2nd Dream: I am in a house and a girl whom I met at some function comes by to take me out shopping. I tell the girl I need to get ready, I hadn't had a shower yet. The girl also has a daughter with her, around age 2 or something. I asked my "mother" if I could take a shower. She sends me to another house behind this one where my father is installing a shower in the living room area. He's installing it in such a way that "white paint" flows out of the shower head with the water. I look around and there are people gathered in the room... young men, I assume friends of my dad's. And I wonder how long will it be before he is done installing the shower, and the men leave... are they there to socialize with him or what? I am also annoyed because there is a third house which my parents stay in and my father tells me I cannot use the shower in it either, but must use the shower in the 2nd house which he is installing. So I go back to the first house bathroom, where my mother is in the shower and I am complaining to her that my friend is waiting for me to go to the mall, and I really need to hurry up and get ready. I also say that I don't think I had a shower "yesterday." My mom agrees with me and says I didn't.... Then I woke up

  10. I've not taken the dream intepretation test, but also had a dream about ironing last year.

    A bedroom represents a place of intimacy. In ironing you get the wrinkles out of something. Perhaps this could be the relationship between you and your spouse in the dream. Note that the "husband" may also represent Christ. We are "the bride of Christ."

  11. That makes me wonder why we sometimes dream about a person in place of another. For example last summer I dreamed my mom was going to have knee surgery when in fact it was my best friend, who is like a mom to me who had knee surgery this year. In another dream I dreamed of me and my sister, but my (Seer class) teacher said the dream probably represented a sister in the Lord.

    I too sometimes have eating themes in my dreams... like sitting at a kitchen table, feeding a baby or visiting a restaurant. In all three cases I took the dream to mean a type of spiritual feeding so I thought it could be for yours as well.

    Be blessed.

    dove624 wrote:
    Yes, I think you are right.

    The dream threw me off because in the dream I saw one son, but it was for another, son, the one who is in the Marines. The son I saw in the dream is actually very spiritual, goes to church, and his youth groups with great enthusiasm, so it didn't make any sense to me what ever.

    Then I spoke to my Marine on Sunday and it happened to come up in the conversation that he has not gone to church since he got to where he is stationed. When he said that, I remembered my dream. I looked up his station, where he is at and told him all the service schedules around him, that he has no excuse to not go. Then I told him the dream. I hope he listened.

    You know how they are at 18.

    Thank you.

  12. Thanks. While I could find meanings for most of the symbols... I found the 3 orcas and KFC really baffling. I thought maybe the restaurant represented spiritual food. My teacher at "Seer" class had said black and white things in dreams represented something dangerous as did what those black and white objects are "killer whales." I wanted them to be good things. They seemed to be peacefully swimming out there in the ocean and I love Shamu.

    daphanie02 wrote:
    it sounds like you will be in a situation that doesn't seem safe to you and you will have questions about whether to go forward with it or not. just my thoughts. have a blessed day

  13. I go through dry spells as well in my dreaming, but I am always trying to learn more about this revalatory gift. Even if you are in a dry season be studying what dream symbols mean, then eventually God can use you to help others as well.

    If you study dream symbols then when you start dreaming again you will better understand your dreams.

    God bless you.
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