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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. ok ladies it happend again last night this time at 3:00a.m. I heard the doorbell ring again and I woke my husband up and stated to him did you hear the doorbell he was sweet about it and said "no babe I didnt hear it" so I said yes Lord but nothing ok I am starting to think I am going crazy myself :help:

  2. I was at this coat rack and there wasn't many coats and my now Pastor's wife was trying on a cream leather coat when my old Pastor's wife(Virginia) and her daughters) & her neice) came up to me and stated that they wanted me to find (Virginia) a coat but as I searched I couldn't find one for her and then I realized that the coat that she wanted was the one I had Scratch Chin

  3. I was awaken at 5:00a.m this Morning 3/27/12 I heard the sound of a doorbell as clear as I was standing next to the door, I turned to my husband and asked did he hear that he said no so I thought about going to open the door to see if anyone was there but didn't so I asked my son did he hear it he stated that he didn't now my family thinks I am crazy. :hmm:

  4. HELLO all I am back with great news We got approved for our loan on the house and we close on Dec 22 I am so happy and thanking the Lord. The first house that I wanted so much didnt get approved because it had two loans on it so although I had been praying for that house to be ours but God said no, and guess what we found another house the next day and we didnt have to wait three months as before we waited 30 days God is sooooo good happy dance

  5. Hi All I know I am not around the site much been busy since school started back for the girls now I am homeschooling one teen and I never thought it would be so much whew sigh but with the Lord's help I am working thru it, so far we are still waiting for the bank to approve the short sale on the house the appraisal got done so we are just waiting I and my husband are anxious to move in. The other night at bible study the Pastor taught on waiting on God I thought how ironic that would be the topic cause the Lord sure knows that we are getting ants in our pants about wanting to move into this house, but it was a right on time word for us that we have to wait on the Lord and when he says move we will until then we will just sit patiently and wait Scratch Chin

  6. I know how you feel the church I used to attend was like this they had there clicks and I was always left out of the secrets in which I didn't care but who would want to attend a church like that attending church should be of great fellowship in the Lord not in the clicks be blessed
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