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Posts posted by mjtorrence

  1. Well I am very glad that you are having a postive heart about waiting for God has his own timing for each one of us, yet there is a lady in my church who has been wanting a baby for awhile and everybody around her is having children and instead of being content and waiting on God she is very bitter sigh

  2. Well I would say no cause John doesn't get to come to church often with me and the girls because he works on Sunday for another church at the school he works at so that keeps him from attending with us in which I really don't like I would love for him to be in our church every sunday,
    I have been doing ok just taking it one day at a time thanks miss talking with you too didnt want to wear my welcome out here huggins hiding

  3. John(my husband) was dressed in a nice suit and me and lil girl went to this black church and after the service as i began to walk down the street to our orginial church John said he was going with other Pastors to eat, he was so excited to go and said he would come back for me. I looked at the time and saw that it was 11 oclock and it was too late for us to attend our original church, I was holding the lil girl's han and we kept walking down the street I looked back and John was dancing with a smile on his face as he went with the other Pastors Scratch Chin

  4. First hello everyone. On Wednesday the Pastor
    Taught on the parable the ten virgins, I have read and
    reread this passage in the bible and have even looked at
    some commentaries about the meaning of this parable
    all say something different my question is what does the oil represent?
    The pastor says that it represents the infilling of the
    Holy Spirit but I don't understand how when the foolish
    virgins were told to go buy some more oil then that leads me to
    say we can not ever buy the holy spirit????? scratching chin

  5. Thanks again for the help my point I was making was this is what a pastor is preaching and told my husband I know that I know this isn't right because I have done my research and no where does it say that Jesus went to hell and took the keys from Satan soapbox So with that being said I was just asking everyone what their belief and take is on the subject White Flag

  6. Thank you Cholette and your right when this Pastor told my husband this untruth I knew then I had to stop and investigate, and your right also that they do take the word of God and try and twist it because somebody told them
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