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Posts posted by Jasmine

  1. Don't ask for details. I was talking with this guy and giving him advice (not really, I only said two things and he shot me like an impatiant hunter). I may be over exaggerating(sp?), but its bothering me. Is it my age?

  2. Amen! Also, before you get into a serious relationship, get Jesus into the home called your heart. Staple and tie Him to chair and lock the door. Cling on to Him.as if your life depended on it (cause it does).

  3. First things, first. Take a deep breath. Pray that God gives you peace. Youneed that when bad things happen. Right now, you may think life sucks. It doesn't. Anyways, somehow, I fell I can sympathize with you. You feel heavily burdened, confused about what to do, frustrated, angered, misunderstood, mistreated, mournful, and alone. Believe me, you are never alone. You are not even alone in your house. God is always with you. Just ask for his presence.

    pray that God knocks some sense into.your church leaders. If they are still terrible, then join a different church. Even if you have responsibility, you should go. It's your responsibility as God's follower to find a church that helps you grow in the things of God.

    Have some space between you and your bf. Tell him that, although you have feelings for him, you don't want to get that serious. Also, if you.need someone to talk to, talk to Jesus. I know you want someone physically here, but you should avoid temptation by not pouring your heart to the guy.
    you are with. Also, tell him that you feel guilty after almost having sex and to respect your


    And pray that God will protect you and to help you cope with your father's death. God loves you!

  4. I haven't spoken to a friend in a few weeks. It's hard to contact him. My friend and I were trying to call him but his phone goes straight to voice mail. Before I spoke to him, I prayed for a friend that was a guy. Then, my friend introduced me to him. Please pray that he will call me or my friend, or when we call him he'll pick up.

  5. I was looking at the bottom of the home page where the list of birthdays are. They were showing the ages and none of them were in the teen years. I began to think more about it and I realized I'm probably the youngest person here. I once saw a profile of a person who is 16 but that person hadn't been on the site for a long time. I'm turning 14 next month, by the way.

  6. Wonderful! I feel asleep without waking up in the middle of the night. It's a miracle! (no seriously, every time I sleep I wake up in the middle of the night). Thx Connie and Cholette. You were right about the burden thing. I told God everything and I feel asleep!
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