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Posts posted by Jasmine

  1. D? Do we have to send you to easy-chair-aholics anonymous? Any ways. I agree with them. I could be something unhealthy, addictive, or a bad word. BTW, is your friend acting differently the usual or even smells like something weird?

  2. I was on a sidewalk on the middle of the street. It had these stairs. I think I was walking home from school and I saw my friend and her sister.
    What I remember it that it's winter and the ground still has snow on it. I'm in my house and the door is open. I asked my mom if i could close it ans she said no in an angry voice. I saw a big can or bucket of plaster but its really paint. I was kind of alarmed that someone was holding it but then i calmed down after i realized it was Jesus. he was wearing modern day clothes like in a different dream i had. i think i helped with the plaster can thing. He talked to me for a second and i said cause i love u so much. But i said it quietly, he didnt hear me. he went to talk with my mom. he was doing something for us in the basement ( lol! carpenter). all of a sudden i think i hear my dads voice, but i forgot wat he said. then im walking the streets. i know jesus is at my home, but i liked the feeling of just walking around. i realized i was looking for my sister. then i saw my friends sister then my own sister startled me when i saw that she was right there.

    lately I've been praying to know jesus more and asking him how long it would take for him to reveal himself to me. btw in the dream it took one week for him to arrive.

  3. Pls pray that my mom's door knob gets unlocked. We can't unlock it. If it stays lock. My mom and sister may have to sleep in my room and my bed is not big enough for all of us. There's no other place to sleep except the couch downstairs and my mom would never sleep on that. My room is a mess too! Please PRAY! crying

  4. So I was at physical therapy and after I did my foot exercises the therapist helped me on my walk. She said heel down first and I stopped limping when I walked. I'm not that slow (i still have to work on it). Also I took Advil but still in a little pain. Praise God! One step closer to being normal.
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