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Posts posted by tamekiasimmons

  1. Very concerned about this dream. My family and I were in our own pool when someone told me a child was in the water. The weird part was my pool was in the ground, but next to a high ledge where someone could fall off into the ocean, but wasn't deep like a pool. The water was clear, but blue and massive. I jumped over the very high cliff into this big body off water frantically looking for the child which wasn't mine or any of my family. I was scared to go under, but felt the wall of the ocean/pool with my feet and felt hair. I bent down and got the child and don't know how I got back to the pool on the very high and steep ledge that was over a mile long, but I seemed to swim from the deep end of my pool to the shallow end and sat on the side of the pool. The little white boy was around 6-8 years old dead and cold when swimming with him in my arms, but when I got out, he was in my arms wrapped in some white cloth and around 1 year old. I held him in my arms rocking him and he begin to move and come alive like nothing ever happened. I told my sister he's alive, look he's moving and woke up.

  2. A few months ago, I had a dream of me living in this house with my family. I got up see my fish tank in the living room had the fish swimming above the tank in the air. I was fussing about my fish not being taken care of and my family were helping me or them back into the tank. That's when I wanted to the window and looked out. I saw that the wind was blowing really hard and the clouds were black like a major storm was coming. I ran to the door to hold the door because the wind was going to blow the door open and trying to warn with a shout for them to run and hide. As I was holding the door, the wind pushed the door open so hard, I slid on my feet across the floor about 2 yards. The next thing I saw was the city where I live completely destroyed. We could barely get out of our house. People were missing and could not be found by their loved ones. They had signs or posters and were on the news looking for their loved ones who were missing after the storm. My house was destroyed and a traffic light stuck in the side of the house and I could see many upset people and many hurt being gathered at a hospital and to building to like a shelter and to put their missing loved ones on this list. Their was debris everywhere and nothing but destruction. My sister was sitting on the floor with her second child holding his head in distress as my mom looked at her and sat on my floor with her. I told her not to worry and that I know somebody to help him, but I was talking about Jesus. I saw her take him in to the hospital and helped the rest of the family out of my destroyed house. My mom was the last to be brought it the house in which she act like she didn't want to come out. I saw her standing on a balcony at a hotel taking to an old friend and at the same time I could see all the aftermath of the storm. Abs how sad and distraught everyone was as the chaos.

  3. I just remembered the first snake was black and silver. The body was black with a silver head and a silver thin band around the neck area. The spider was black with the two white spots and a white line at the neck. The last snake crawling in my bed was brown with a cream area around the head area neck area with many brown spots, but crawled all around my bed in which I kept moving to dodge it in fear. When it did get on me, I was too afraid to move.

  4. These are two separate dreams, but I'm not sure what God is telling me. In the first dream, I was bitten on the left hand and it just hung there by a big black snake with two white spots on its head and one white line and. I think I was in bed. In the second dream which was the next morning or two later, I was in bed and a big, black spider with the same two white dots at the top of its head with a white line near the neck area bit me on the left foot and just hung there. I could feel it sucking the blood between my ring tie on my left foot, but I was too scared move and called my sister telling her to call the doctor. The same morning I had the dream about the spider. I had a dream about a snake with spots on its head, but I'm not sure if it was brown or black, but it had many spots that were cream in color crawling all around my bed. I was too afraid to move and telling my daughter to get it away from me. I'm not sure if this means anything or not, but it's really bothering me and if God is telling me something, I don't want to ignore Him. scratching chin 

  5. A black male that look like he may have been in his 40’s came into the house and said, “What will you do to save your life?” Dee Dee, Shakela’s sister and Dre’s wife, whom I do not know personally nor do I know what she looks like up close was in the dream sitting on the couch and her husband was standing up next to her to the left of his wife said, “I will get on a pole.” The black male said, “You get on a pole then.” My mother grabbed the remote control and went to the television and I saw myself coming a short distance behind my mother to her right and watching the television too. I saw a weather map which displays the colors of severity of the coming storm. The colors was a dark crimson, orange, and yellow, but the color seen most was crimson. I saw my mother, my sister Natashia, Albert (my sister’s boyfriend) and their 2 kids hide, I also saw my husband, my children, and I go and hide in the kitchen closet as if the storm was on its way at that very moment. All of a sudden, I saw only me in pitch darkness that I could not see in. I saw myself about 2 and ½ yards in the air on my back with my arms crossed over each other on my chest, but my hands were touching my shoulders. At first I thought I was dead, but then the Holy Spirit led me to look at my mouth. My mouth was moving, but I didn’t hear the words coming out of it, but the Holy Spirit let me know that I was praying and I was praying really hard with fervency. I could feel the wind off the tornado and it was very strong. So strong that I was lifted off the ground 2 and ½ yards on my back, but I was being held in one spot. It was so strong that I felt that I would be blown away. Then the Holy Spirit made me take notice that something else was above my head. When I looked above my head, I saw a book and if I remember correctly, there was a light coming from it. The book was opened and leaning above my head. I knew it looked like a Bible, but I looked closer and when I looked it had the black and red print in it which confirmed my suspicions. Next, I saw myself as if I was looking at myself again, but this time I saw myself coming out the closet and I looked around me and I saw my mother, my sister Natashia, and Albert her boyfriend. Then I looked at my husband coming out behind me a few seconds after me, but I noticed that his clothes were different than when we went into the closet and when I looked back to my family, their clothes were also changed and I wondered why their clothes were all the same, when it was not that way in the beginning of the dream. Their clothes were white tee shirts that looked bright white as a brand new spotless white tee. I also wondered where the children were because I did not see any of them in the dream, but it seemed that I was not too concerned about them. I saw my mother, sister, and her boyfriend lined up side-by-side and they were looking at something so my husband and them joined them. My husband was standing at my right hand side and we walked outside. It was as if my sister’s upstairs apartment was not upstairs but down stairs and that the wall had never been there, but a big open space where you can walk straight outside as if someone built the apartment with a missing wall and the parking lot of her complex was not there anymore, but instead it was a big wide open field about the size of 4 or 5 football fields of the most beautiful grass. I could also see that trees were evenly planted in a row all around this field. I looked and took in the surroundings as if I was wondering what is this and I looked into the sky and it was the most beautiful blue sky with not one cloud in sight. It was a clear blue sky. Then the Holy Spirit made me take notice of a tornado that was about 20 or 30 stories in height and was huge in size going from us fast like an Air Force jet. I could hear the sound of it like a fast jet flying past as fast a bullet. The surroundings were peaceful.


  6. I had a dream that my husband and I were at New Kingdom Ministries a church we belong to but both of us have left. As we were walking into the church, I looked back out the glass doors and I saw our house and all of our things was outside the house scattered around it like someone either took everything and sat it around the whole front of the house and it took up the whole yard like we had been put out the house (I am unsure though because it may have also been scattered out like a tornado hit the house, but the house was still standing, only our things were scattered about the yard. I did not see our truck, just our belongings). Then I looked and noticed that my husband was naked, I am not sure if both of us were or not, but I remembered helping him cover his nakedness and possibly mine as well, but I do remember he was naked as we walked down the aisle and covering him with either leaves or some kind of cloth but we or him only was not fully covered. It was kind of like how they had Adam and Eve in the Bible. I also saw my husband and I sit down and the Bishop was telling us that we needed to return back to the church and repent. I remember him saying other things but I cannot remember what they were but I think it had something to do with us coming back to the church or being added back to the body of Christ. My husband had his head leaning in his hands as if he was sad or in repentance. I was saved when I had this dream.

  7. In this dream, my husband, and me was in a bad storm. We were in our truck driving and we were trying to find shelter. I remember feeling afraid and frantic to find a place to hide from this storm we were in. We turned into this school, but this white male that look like he was in his late 20s or early 30s, whose face were blurred had already closed the school down and he got into the truck with us on the driver’s side at the back. He had on a white long or short sleeve dress shirt with the collar. The shirt had brown stripes in it and he had on what looked like some khaki pants. He was a tall slender, white male, with brunette hair that was cut short. He had on a belt with a silver buckle. I was driving the truck. Then as we were looking for shelter, the storm wind was lifting the truck off the ground and sitting us back down on the ground as I was driving. I was feeling afraid and did not know where to hide. Then the dream changed and I saw my husband and I walking on this narrow road. I was feeling peace and refreshed in the dream at this part, but curious about the road we were walking on. It was so narrow, my husband had to walk behind me, and we had to put one foot in front of the other to walk on it. It was after the storm because the road was wet like after a storm had passed.

    Usually when a person in the dream is blurred out, this is a literal person that will be revealed later, but God does not want me to recognize until it is fulfilled. I know this from past dreams.

  8. Im confused & really needing some encouragement & advice from the Lord about what is right and what I should do about my marriage. I love my husband Justin so much & want him husband back. Im faithful to him during this separation & have no desire any other man. My husband knew my mother when he was 15 & she would tell him about me, but I lived in Arkansas & he lived here in Memphis & an incident occurred when he stopped coming around my mother, then I moved here to Memphis, but my mother never mentioned him & they forgot each other.

    When I became pregnant with my 2nd child, I moved here to Memphis & married my first husband. He has 1 child with me during our marriage & has created 5 children with my sister. During our marriage, the Lord showed me a dream of me & a little girl & a man blurred at the head who I thought was my 1st husband pushing the little girl in a stroller down the street. I woke up & prayed to the Lord that if He would bless me with a daughter, I would name her in honor of Him & He had a prophet through the television prophesy to me & she was talking to me. I did as she said & laid my hands on my abdomen & the other on the television & agreed with her in prayer. The Lord also gave me 2 or 3 dreams of my first husband having sex with my sister. He also gave me dreams of tornadoes in the 1st marriage & showed that it would tear up my marriage & that I would be separated from my children for a while, but I would get them back. Before I go any further, my gift of the Spirit is prophecy through dreams. I would wake up & ask my 1st husband about him & my sister, but he would deny it. I was completely blind & tried to conceive a child with him, but God blocked my attempts by stopping my monthly womanhood. The Lord did not let me conceive with my 1st husband.

    5 1/2 years later after he met my mom, I believe God brought us together, let my husband found me on Black Planet, but he didn't know I was the woman that my mother told him about, nor did I know who he was because she never told me about him & they had forgot each other. When we met on Black Planet the freaky thing is I had moved from Tennessee back to Arkansas after my separation & he met me on the internet & started a conversation with me & we didn't know who each other was until I came back to my house in Memphis. My mother was there the day we met in person, but still did not recognize each other till about 2 or 3 years later when a mutual friend of theirs remembered him & then my mother asked him how did he manage to get with her daughter?

    Before I married Justin, God showed me in a dream us getting the truck & us getting a house. I was shown the landlord. In addition, I asked the Lord in prayer with Justin that He would allow my school check to come the next day if He it is His will to marry Justin, it happened. The next day the check came & I married him in a church wedding on December 7, 2008. God blessed us within 3 months with the truck & then 2 months after that He gave us the house. I did have the little girl with Justin before I married him & kept my covenant to God & I named her Trinity. I couldn't afford a divorce from my first husband & we were still married but both of us by then were in adultery.

    Before I got married to Justin, I repented & was restored back to God. I also was saved when I got married & I wouldnt marry Justin till he gave his life to the Lord. We were supposed to get married & baptized on the same day but we ended up getting baptized about a few weeks later. Since then, my husband has walked away from God. I don't know what to do, I am confused about whether I should divorce my husband and remain single because of Mark 10:11, but it contradicts what I felt like I heard the Spirit say. I am very confused and will do anything for the Lord. One day, I was crying out to God and asking the Lord whether I should give up on my marriage and I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Should Christ give up on the church?" I answered, "No." He also said, "Should the church give up on Christ?" I said, "No." And I knew what He was saying, but since then I have gotten confused by people preaching Mark 10:11 and begin to doubt the prayer to marry Justin, and what I heard from the Holy Spirit. What should I do? My dreams seem to confirm my marriage making it. I am so sad and deeply confused.

    DREAM 1: A black male that look like he may have been in his 40’s came into the house and said, “What will you do to save your life?” Dee Dee, Shakela’s sister and Dre’s wife, whom I do not know personally nor do I know what she looks like up close was in the dream sitting on the couch and her husband was standing up next to her to the left of his wife said, “I will get on a pole.” The black male said, “You get on a pole then.” My mother grabbed the remote control and went to the television and I saw myself coming a short distance behind my mother to her right and watching the television too. I saw a weather map which displays the colors of severity of the coming storm. The colors was a dark crimson, orange, and yellow, but the color seen most was crimson. I saw my mother, my sister Natashia, Albert (my sister’s boyfriend) and their 2 kids hide, I also saw my husband, my children, and I go and hide in the kitchen closet as if the storm was on its way at that very moment. All of a sudden, I saw only me in pitch darkness that I could not see in. I saw myself about 2 and ½ yards in the air on my back with my arms crossed over each other on my chest, but my hands were touching my shoulders. At first I thought I was dead, but then the Holy Spirit led me to look at my mouth. My mouth was moving, but I didn’t hear the words coming out of it, but the Holy Spirit let me know that I was praying and I was praying really hard with fervency. I could feel the wind off the tornado and it was very strong. So strong that I was lifted off the ground 2 and ½ yards on my back, but I was being held in one spot. It was so strong that I felt that I would be blown away. Then the Holy Spirit made me take notice that something else was above my head. When I looked above my head, I saw a book and if I remember correctly, there was a light coming from it. The book was opened and leaning above my head. I knew it looked like a Bible, but I looked closer and when I looked it had the black and red print in it which confirmed my suspicions. Next, I saw myself as if I was looking at myself again, but this time I saw myself coming out the closet and I looked around me and I saw my mother, my sister Natashia, and Albert her boyfriend. Then I looked at my husband coming out behind me a few seconds after me, but I noticed that his clothes were different than when we went into the closet and when I looked back to my family, their clothes were also changed and I wondered why their clothes were all the same, when it was not that way in the beginning of the dream. Their clothes were white tee shirts that looked bright white as a brand new spotless white tee. I also wondered where the children were because I did not see any of them in the dream, but it seemed that I was not too concerned about them. I saw my mother, sister, and her boyfriend lined up side-by-side and they were looking at something so my husband and them joined them. My husband was standing at my right hand side and we walked outside. It was as if my sister’s upstairs apartment was not upstairs but down stairs and that the wall had never been there, but a big open space where you can walk straight outside as if someone built the apartment with a missing wall and the parking lot of her complex was not there anymore, but instead it was a big wide open field about the size of 4 or 5 football fields of the most beautiful grass. I could also see that trees were evenly planted in a row all around this field. I looked and took in the surroundings as if I was wondering what is this and I looked into the sky and it was the most beautiful blue sky with not one cloud in sight. It was a clear blue sky. Then the Holy Spirit made me take notice of a tornado that was about 20 or 30 stories in height and was huge in size going from us fast like an Air Force jet. I could hear the sound of it like a fast jet flying past as fast a bullet. The surroundings were peaceful.

    DREAM 2: I had this dream one morning as my husband and I were sleep in our new house on 4021 Hanna Drive in 2009 or 2010. I had a dream that my husband and I were at New Kingdom Ministries a church we belong to but both of us have left. As we were walking into the church, I looked back out the glass doors and I saw our house and all of our things was outside the house scattered around it like someone either took everything and sat it around the whole front of the house and it took up the whole yard like we had been put out the house (I am unsure though because it may have also been scattered out like a tornado hit the house, but the house was still standing, only our things were scattered about the yard. I did not see our truck, just our belongings). Then I looked and noticed that my husband was naked, I am not sure if both of us were or not, but I remembered helping him cover his nakedness and possibly mine as well, but I do remember he was naked as we walked down the aisle and covering him with either leaves or some kind of cloth but we or him only was not fully covered. It was kind of like how they had Adam and Eve in the Bible. I also saw my husband and I sit down and the Bishop was telling us that we needed to return back to the church and repent. I remember him saying other things but I cannot remember what they were but I think it had something to do with us coming back to the church or being added back to the body of Christ. My husband had his head leaning in his hands as if he was sad or in repentance.

    DREAM 3: In this dream, my husband, and me was in a bad storm. We were in our truck and we were trying to find shelter. We turned into this school, but the white male had already closed the school down and got into the truck with us. Then as we were looking for shelter, the storm wind was lifting the truck off the ground and sitting us back down on the ground. Then the dream flipped and I saw my husband and I walking on this narrow road. It was so narrow, my husband had to walk behind me, and we had to put one foot in front of the other to walk on it. It was after the storm because the road was wet like after a storm had passed. I get dreams, but do not always know what they mean.

  9. Hello, everyone. My name is Tamekia Simmons-Echols. I am 32 years old and live in Memphis, Tennessee. Around the age of 19 or 20, I got saved and started having dreams. So many dreams that I begin to wake up and tell my mother about them. At first she thought I was going crazy or something, but then she started to consider that something was different about them as well and told me to write them down. I did not because they were to many. Nobody knew about these dreams but my mother and I. Months later, a friend of my mothers told me that if I went to church with her, she would go to church with me. It never happened that she went to my church, but I ended up going to hers, which was the Lord's plan, although I didn't understand what He was doing that day. The day came for me to attend her church, my hair was not acting right, nothing was going right so I told my mother, my mother's friend, and my mother's boyfriend to go ahead and leave me, but when they got in the car, the car would not start. I continued to get dressed and when I went to the car, the car started. God would not let them leave without me. I didn't know He had a plan to tell me something that day. We got to the church and I am going to be honest, I really can't tell you what he preached on, but I remember the end quite well. I was reading something and had my head down. I sensed my mother getting my attention so I looked to the left and she was telling me that the preacher was talking to me. I looked up toward the front and the man said, "You, come here." I was afraid because I thought I was going to get blasted for not paying attention, but instead he continued and said, "Have you been having dreams and seeing stuff around your house?" He started describing the shadowy figures I was seeing and my dreams in detail and I looked back at my mother to ask had she told him, because I was shocked that he knew to much. She raised her hands and shook her head saying, "No." My mom's friends didn't even know what was going on. Then he spoke and said, "The Lord told me to tell you that You are a prophet." I can't remember much of anything else but him anointing this staff that was beautiful and putting this thing around my neck and anointing me with oil and then praying for me. Afterwards, I begin to have more dreams that always came true and they continue to this day. Lately, the Lord has started showing me visions while praying or scriptures in red on a black background, and I hear His voice audibly. I want to use this gift for His glory to help others and have asked the Lord for more of His gift to help others.

  10. Yes, every time I have a dream of fish, some one is pregnant or will become pregnant. I also have had dreams of other sea life, which lets me know that God is definitely saying someone is pregnant. I have dreamed of starfish, octopus, and all kinds of sea creatures. One time I dreamed of 2 fish tanks full of sea life and me and my sister both were pregnant at the same time. 1 week I found out I was pregnant and the other week or 2, my sister found out she was pregnant.

  11. The dream is the following and has fulfilled itself because I did have to move out my house, but I am not sure about the rest of the dream:

    I had this dream one morning as my husband and I were sleep in our new house on 4021 Hanna Drive in 2009 or 2010. I had a dream that my husband and I were at New Kingdom Ministries a church we belong to but both of us have left. As we were walking into the church, I looked back out the glass doors and I saw our house and all of our things was outside the house scattered around it like someone either took everything and sat it around the whole front of the house and it took up the whole yard like we had been put out the house (I am unsure though because it may have also been scattered out like a tornado hit the house, but the house was still standing, only our things were scattered about the yard. I did not see our truck, just our belongings). Then I looked and noticed that my husband was naked, I am not sure if both of us were or not, but I remembered helping him cover his nakedness and possibly mine as well, but I do remember he was naked as we walked down the aisle and covering him with either leaves or some kind of cloth but we or him only was not fully covered. It was kind of like how they had Adam and Eve in the Bible. I also saw my husband and I sit down and the Bishop was telling us that we needed to return back to the church and repent. I remember him saying other things but I cannot remember what they were but I think it had something to do with us coming back to the church or being added back to the body of Christ. My husband had his head leaning in his hands as if he was sad or in repentance.

  12. The following is the dream and is now almost fulfilled:

    A black male that look like he may have been in his 40’s came into the house and said, “What will you do to save your life?” Dee Dee, Shakela’s sister and Dre’s wife, whom I do not know personally nor do I know what she looks like up close was in the dream sitting on the couch and her husband was standing up next to her to the left of his wife said, “I will get on a pole.” The black male said, “You get on a pole then.” My mother grabbed the remote control and went to the television and I saw myself coming a short distance behind my mother to her right and watching the television too. I saw a weather map which displays the colors of severity of the coming storm. The colors was a dark crimson, orange, and yellow, but the color seen most was crimson. I saw my mother, my sister Natashia, Albert (my sister’s boyfriend) and their 2 kids hide, I also saw my husband, my children, and I go and hide in the kitchen closet as if the storm was on its way at that very moment. All of a sudden, I saw only me in pitch darkness that I could not see in. I saw myself about 2 and ½ yards in the air on my back with my arms crossed over each other on my chest, but my hands were touching my shoulders. At first I thought I was dead, but then the Holy Spirit led me to look at my mouth. My mouth was moving, but I didn’t hear the words coming out of it, but the Holy Spirit let me know that I was praying and I was praying really hard with fervency. I could feel the wind off the tornado and it was very strong. So strong that I was lifted off the ground 2 and ½ yards on my back, but I was being held in one spot. It was so strong that I felt that I would be blown away. Then the Holy Spirit made me take notice that something else was above my head. When I looked above my head, I saw a book and if I remember correctly, there was a light coming from it. The book was opened and leaning above my head. I knew it looked like a Bible, but I looked closer and when I looked it had the black and red print in it which confirmed my suspicions. Next, I saw myself as if I was looking at myself again, but this time I saw myself coming out the closet and I looked around me and I saw my mother, my sister Natashia, and Albert her boyfriend. Then I looked at my husband coming out behind me a few seconds after me, but I noticed that his clothes were different than when we went into the closet and when I looked back to my family, their clothes were also changed and I wondered why their clothes were all the same, when it was not that way in the beginning of the dream. Their clothes were white tee shirts that looked bright white as a brand new spotless white tee. I also wondered where the children were because I did not see any of them in the dream, but it seemed that I was not too concerned about them. I saw my mother, sister, and her boyfriend lined up side-by-side and they were looking at something so my husband and them joined them. My husband was standing at my right hand side and we walked outside. It was as if my sister’s upstairs apartment was not upstairs but down stairs and that the wall had never been there, but a big open space where you can walk straight outside as if someone built the apartment with a missing wall and the parking lot of her complex was not there anymore, but instead it was a big wide open field about the size of 4 or 5 football fields of the most beautiful grass. I could also see that trees were evenly planted in a row all around this field. I looked and took in the surroundings as if I was wondering what is this and I looked into the sky and it was the most beautiful blue sky with not one cloud in sight. It was a clear blue sky. Then the Holy Spirit made me take notice of a tornado that was about 20 or 30 stories in height and was huge in size going from us fast like an Air Force jet. I could hear the sound of it like a fast jet flying past as fast a bullet. The surroundings were peaceful.
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