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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Thank you so much Lola!!! I can totally think of a very important event that someone has been trying VERY hard to get me in agreement with them on, and it all started 6 months before I had this dream...makes total sense. I have a very important question for you...do you see anything in this dream that makes you think that GOD wants me to agree with them??? I have been fighting with this for quite sometime...this person thinks they are right but I strongly disagree. I can be stubborn at times...but in this case I feel like its a righteous stubborness...but it wouldn't be the first time I have been wrong. I am open to God showing me if I'm wrong. I still haven't given in with this person who so desperately is trying to get me to agree with something. Would love your honest opinion....Thx so much...

    p.s. I would have never figured this dream out on my own...I can't tell you how much your insight has helped me have revelation on this dream!!!

    thank you thank you thank you

  2. Had a dream about my ex-fiance, he was holding a baby that was wearing a human velcro suit. He was going to toss the baby onto a velco wall...you know the kind that adults do for fun! The baby was about 6 months old and was a little girl~I was thinking..."What is this loon thinking!!! This is NOT for a BABY!!!" Yet in the dream they had the little suit made just for a baby. I didn't feel like it was 'our' baby or that we were really together in the dream...but at the end of the dream I remember looking down at a bracelet that I was wearing and it was gold and in the dream he gave it to me! (IRL this man never really bought much for me, except for the engagement ring that I gave back to him when I broke off our engagement! Im SO thankful that I didn't marry this man and that I waited for my Christian husband that I now have!)

    Looking for confirmation...thinking this may be for me to either 'stick' with something i may have started six months ago....or to 'stick' or stay on the course for something good that may happen 6 months from now...any ideas????

    ***I'm reposting this because I feel like there is more to this dream than I realized.I have a partial revelation of this dream. I did get some really good feedback on this...but this dream was brought back to my rememberance last night...I still haven't quite put my finger on the total and complete meaning of this dream...

    Any insight or thoughts welcome please....

  3. I have never seen this type of contraption before...if anyone has any idea of what it could be from my explaination I would love to hear your ideas. Thanks SO MUCH in advance. I'm VERY curious about what this thing was and what it could mean.... I know it def has something to do with God wanting to communicate to His people...but what was this beautiful round thing???? Hmmmm.....

  4. I heard a foreign language being spoken...then all of a sudden I seen transcripts pop up so I could read what was being spoken. I read, "Now is the time for the United States to hear the voice of prophecy."

    I seen a huge round and flat piece of wood be placed upon a type of lever, so that it was upright (possibly a wheel...but just a few inches thick). The wood was dark brown and beautiful. It had beautiful engravings all upon it...designs or letterings that I've never seen before. The wood looked like it was freshly stained and had a shine upon it. As this round and flat piece of wood is placed on a lever upright...I see something tapping upon it near the lower part of the possible 'wheel', the tapper was small and had a silver bar with a white soft plastic type of look on the tip...the white tip was the tapper...and I knew it was tapping morse code.


  5. I also think about the scriptures where Jesus told Peter to put down his net(s) and Peter replied..'But the day is almost done and we have caught nothin'...but nonetheless he put down his net (singular) and he caught so many fish that the net broke and he needed help to get all those fish in...so much the boat was sinkin!

    I also think about the widow and her going to borrow as many waterpots or oil jars as she could possibly find from the neighbors...as many as she brought the Lord filled up....

    Hope that encourages ya! :hooray:

  6. Just my thoughts...Im not an interpreter, just a fellow member and sister in the Lord. I personally think prayer is enough for sure. I would pray for God to help you to see what things are having a stronghold on your mind or thought-life. (which could possibly be the reading glasses you talked about in your dream-God helping you to 'see') Sometimes mindsets or wrong thinking can hold us back from becoming all God wants us to be, or doing all He wants us to do. (You mentioned the walls were 'Controlling', 'blocking' or 'preventing', could that possibly be mindsets that are being used to prevent or block your destiny, your fullest potential in Him?) Once God reveals these things to you..I would also pray for God to help you to 'cast those things down' by changing your thinking in those areas to line up with the Word of God.

    This is the same scripture from the King James Version bible:
    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ....

    I will be prayerful for you as well...God bless you! With Him you can do all things....praying Bless You

  7. I had a dream I was in this party house. I dont remember seeing drugs or alcohol, but the atmosphere was a party house...people hanging out and music going. Steven Tyler from Areosmith was there. He was very charming toward me. He was seeming to be protective of me in this party atmosphere. He kissed me a couple of times. I remember others in the house rolling their eyes and being upset that he was pursuing me, sort of like...she's the next person to be tricked. Then, He offered me a ride home...I thought he cared about me. I remember my daughter being there with me, and she happened to see at a playboy magazine on an endtable. She told me about it and was wondering why someone would take pics without clothes on. I was just horrified! I have tried SO HARD to protect her from the filth of the world, now I have to explain this to her~ugh!!! (IRL I am married with 2 kids, in my dream I didn't feel married...my husband and son weren't even a thought. When Steven Tyler kissed me I had no thoughts of cheating on my husband) Then after a while, I seen a beautiful woman on TV, and I finally figured it out...that this was Steven Tyler's WIFE!!!! I was so upset that he had tricked me! I remember trying to call him on the phone # he gave me and realized this was a phone he only used for the people he tricked. He didn't answer the phone!

    End of Dream

    ***I believe this could be tied to a dream I had last week...Dentist trying to rip me off!!! (Also, IRL I would never be attracted to Steven Tyler...I must b watching too much american idol...lol)

  8. I had a dream I was at the dentist. He had some work to do on my mouth. Then he said I had to go to Canada to get the rest fixed (IRL I live in u.s.). I thought "ok, what a pain but ok". Then when I got to Canada, He was doing some more work on my mouth and He said I had to go to Russia to get the rest fixed. I finally thought, "This guy is trying to rip me off, He is working the system...He has to take me to Russia because U.s. and Canada's laws wont allow him to do what he is doing! Im not going to let this guy rip me off!!!"

    End of dream

    **Even though I had this one last week, I think it could be connected to my newest dream...Kissing Steven Tyler~CHEATER!!!

  9. Just a thought traveller~I just heard a sermon preached just yesterday on how Hannah in the bible was praying, but only her lips were moving...yet God not only heard her but also answered her prayer for a child, Samuel! This may or may not fit...if not please disregard.

  10. Im thinking that God is trying to show me the importance of me taking the time for intercession, and how lives can be effected in a negative way if I don't pray for the people that God lays on my heart. Any thoughts, confirmations are welcome. Also, any thoughts or revelations Im missing??? If anyone sees something I may be overlooking please comment, Your thoughts are very much appreciated..... :thanks:

  11. WOW!! Thanks SO MUCH SisterinChrist!!! Totally bear witness in my spirit that is what the second dream is about! Would have NEVER put that one together without ur help! That is totally it!! The dog was going nuts, and it was a constant barking and annoyance. Time to let go of these things of my past that are nagging at me and constantly irritating me.... thank you

  12. I had a dream that I went to visit this family that we are friends with. They moved to a country far away for missionary work. We went to this foreign country to visit them. In the dream I remember thinking about my friends husband all throughout the dream. I was thinking in the dream~'Its not right to think about this man, he is married and I am married!' (IRL I have NO romantic feelings for this man) Then all of a sudden we were in an open field, I had some kids with me. Someone told me he was shot and killed! I dropped to my knees in tears, thinking of the pain that their family was going to feel. Then I realized that the reason why I couldn't stop thinking of him was because I was SUPPOSE to be interceding for him at that time! I felt horrible. In the meantime, I seen men with guns all over around us, they didn't see us, but I could see them. The kids and I started looking for shelter, and we went to try and find the others to warn them of the men with guns. The field was green bright and vibrant...with trees all around the edges. The building everyone was in, once inside, was very gloomy and dim lighted.
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