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Posts posted by Shan

  1. Hi prophetess
    This is what came to me as I read your dream. It seems like you had a close relationship with your mother and that if she were living, her opinion would be very important to you on who you chose to spend time with. I'm wondering if she might represent the Holy Spirit or God the father to you in this dream. What stood out to me was that James found you serving the Lord. And if he wants to win your heart, he needs to know where to look and that is to look for you in the Lord. If you are wanting to reconcile with him in the natural, I believe the Lord is telling you to go about serving Him, and that it is there that James will find you.
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  2. This reminds me of the coming great American solar eclipse. God said that he would give the unbelievers signs so that they may be warned. But the believers they already understand the times. So I'm wondering if this has anything to do with your urgency in getting a message out that Jesus is coming soon. 1 Chron12:32 Luke 21:25-27

  3. I remember reading somewhere, maybe it was on this site a while back, I don't know, but sometimes when you're at the front of the house it's talking about the future and the back of the house is the past. I'm wondering if God is allowing you to speak to something coming in the future and leave behind the past since you could not see the king of the south. It also may be a reason why you couldn't see the king of the East or the king of the west is because they don't refer to time in the same way. I'm also wondering if your father wanting you to stay inside represents God our father wanting you to stay close to him during this time and trust him during this time or something like that. Just some thoughts...

  4. I have never dreamed that I've died before. Last night, I dreamed that I died, but I was still on earth in spirit saying that I wasn't through living. I'm really in my 40s, but I dreamed that this took place in my 20s. But I really wasn't finished with was my relationship with my mom. I didn't want to leave the earth and then leave my mom. I figured that I would grieve for her while in heaven, even though I know I wouldn't grieve for her in heaven IRL. I also did not want to see her living the rest of her life grieving for me. I was able to see some of the notes that people wrote to my mom and some of them were so mean. I couldn't Believe that my mom had to endure some of these mean notes. I don't remember what any of the notes said though. There were other notes though that were really nice and comforting too.

    Something that may be relevant though is I watched a show last night about the forest fires that took place in Southern California a few years ago and a young girl in her 20s died. Her family was Christian, but her mom grieved for her still.

  5. I had a dream that I was at some sort of gathering with other believers. I noticed the night sky was a beautiful royal blue and that the Moon was full and shining very brightly. Clouds were passing in front of the moon and as I was watching the clouds changed their form. It's like they changed into this beautiful crystallized glass and as they passed in front of the moon .it was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I turned to the lady beside me and I mentioned it and she was watching intently as well. She agreed that it was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen too. Then a map started to scroll across the sky it was like God was taking his finger and spinning a globe. I asked her if she saw it and she said that she did. I was looking intently to see if I could notice any countries, but it was spinning so fast I couldn't make out any countries. It's like the map was see-through because I could see the sky behind it. I could see that the names of the countries were written in red. I started to speak in tongues when I saw this sight and the lady beside me said to a man "do you know what she is saying "as if I was saying a word over and over again and she was wondering about the significance of that word. He said he did not know what that word meant. I do not remember what it was I was saying in my dream. The lady that was beside me was a classmate of mine in high school. I noticed that she was pregnant. There was another lady on the other side of me that I went to college with and she was also pregnant. So we were all about the same age about 45. As I looked at both of them I was very encouraged because I said to myself, "if they are pregnant and my age then maybe it's possible for me to get pregnant too!" I've just gotten married for the very first time and I am discouraged about the possibility of not being able to have children.

  6. I dreamed that I was teaching again or doing something similar. I was in a workroom with two other teachers and the secretary. Somehow, it was our turn to get a chance at the lottery, so the secretary gave us our scratch-offs. Mine was the winner and the jackpot was 12 million dollars. The two other teachers were really happy for me, especially one of them. I felt badly for the two who lost so I determined that I would give them $25,000 each. Then I thought that was a little cheap given the size of my win, so I decided I'd give them each $100,000. I somehow knew that I had also won at an earlier prize of $144,000. I was very grateful.

    I also said to myself, "When you wake up, this will not have been a dream. It will be real.

    These numbers seem significant with the numbers 12 and 144,000, don't they?

  7. Hmm...interesting thought. I did find out from a friend that my former church is re-teaching a series that led me to leave this church to begin with. The pastor I ran to for help was the only pastor I had faith in. I was wondering if it had to do with that. I am going to a new church though, so I'll be listening to The Lord to find out if this dream is indeed about this new church. Thank you!

  8. I dreamed that I was a volunteer for my former church, which is a large church with multiple campuses. We were hosting a big, outdoor event in a rural area and my job was to push a button that would raise a big screen. from the floor upwards. When i pushed the button, the screen only partially raised and words came up on the screen, written in white and it said, "You dishonor Me in your radio broadcast." i was shocked and I pushed it again. The same thing happened only this time it said, "You dishonor me in your radio broadcast and you are not telling the truth." I ran to get the pastor of that particular campus to show him. I knew he would care and do what needed to be done. I pushed the button a third time, but this time it sparked a fire in the largest part of the church building. I called 911 and the volunteer fire department came out and quickly extinguished the fire with minimal damage to the church. We were hosting some people from Australia and i was worried about how this would affect them. The weird thing is I don't think this church has a radio ministry.They do have a TV ministry though.

  9. i dreamed that i was driving on a freeway. i was going at fairly high rate of speed. i had knowledge of a criminal who was on the freeway being chased by a policeman. i could see that the freeway ended and that there was a drop off of about a hundred feet. There was nothing but rocks and stubble below. Inevitably, the criminal drove off the freeway and fell down the cliff. I watched to see if he made it and he did. I was relieved. The same thing happened to the cop.

    Next, it was i that fell off the cliff. I couldn't help it. I prayed as I went down. I made it too.

    There were others who followed me and they were all ok.

    When we all caught our breath, we stood on this bright green patch of grass. One man said, "Look what God did!" He pointed to the sky and there was a rainbow in the form of a sun ray shining down, along with a refreshing mist of rain falling down just on us.

    I fell to my knees, realizing what God had done in saving my life, and praised Him in my prayer language. I thought, "I dont care what these people think of me being on my knees. I'm going to do it anyway." They were thankful, but didn't realize the awesomness of what had just occurred.

  10. I dreamed that I was on a cruise ship and the captain was John Paul Jackson. I remember the water was a brilliant blue color and I loved it and was in awe of the beauty. I met someone on the ship and married him without knowing him, although he did say he was a Christian. I then got scared because I thought maybe he would be an abuser or something and I was worried that I had forfeited my promised husband. I thought to myself, "but I just couldn't wait any longer" and I sort of hardened my heart towards my feelings about giving my promise away.

    Next, I was back on board the ship. The cruise was about over and it was coming up to the dock, but wasn't quite there yet. I noticed a boat that was docked that we had taken an excursion on earlier. I jumped off the boat to get onto it, but water rushed into the boat and I realized I had made a mistake so I got back on the main ship.

    Lastly, as if was waiting for the ship to dock, I had been sitting on the wooden deck that had various countries' flags painted on it. It was a ship that catered to many counties so this was not unusual. When I got up, I had three flags "tattooed" on my left calf. I say tattooed because that's what it looked like but I knew it wasn't permanent. The paint had transferred to my leg. The three flags were the Scottish flag, British and the Nazi flag. I was shocked, but laughed because I knew that my friends and family would think I had gotten a tattoo, but also because I would NEVER associate myself with anything Nazi. I remember asking someone to take a pic because it was so laughable. I remember seeing where we would dock and planning to meet my ride home. The sun was setting by this time and I knew it would be dark by time we made the hour and a half home.

  11. I dreamed that I was on a cruise with my mom. While on this trip, someone was on the bow of the ship and yelled, "Tsunami!" I looked and beheld the waters receding. I knew we were doomed. There was no place to hide since we were in the middle of the ocean.

    Next, everyone on the boat was sitting on inner tubes in the water. Something had happened to the ship and we had to abandon it. Everyone was quiet, awaiting certain death. However, people were making calls to their loved ones to tell them goodbye. I was with my mom initially, then left her for some reason. While I was away from her, I made a panicked call to my dad. I was crying and I kept saying, "I love you, I love you, I love you!" I also told him to accept Jesus as his savior and that I hoped to see him again in heaven.

    Then, I found my mom again. I clasped her hand thinking, "At least we will die together." Everything was still, quiet, ominous. The ocean was flat with absolutely no waves. Then, there began to be little ripples of waves that began to slowly get bigger. I can't express the feeling of doom I had at that moment. I tried to imagine what it would feel like to drown. I tried to imagine how big the waves would eventually get and I told myself that drowning wouldn't be so bad and that it would probably be over quickly, given how large tsunami waves get. At the end of the dream I accepted my fate. I did not feel that calling out to God would help. It's like I knew it was my time to go.

    I had this dream after hearing the growing concern over ISIS and how we had "no strategy" in the words of Mr. President. IRL I'm not worried about this threatening me or my family. I also don't feel abandoned by God.

  12. While I hope this isn't literal, I think this could be about you helping someone's dream/gift/calling revive. Since it wasn't your baby or any of your family's baby, this could be someone you know or may come into contact with. You will have the fortitude to push through fear and help it come to life.

    If this doesn't fit, just toss it!

  13. Hi exo152,

    I left that church about 17 yrs ago because they did not practice or believe in the gifts of the Spirit and God was leading me to another place that did. I do know that the pastor loves his sheep though. You may be right in that I need to pray for that church in some form or fashion. My mom still attends the church and there is nothing going on to her knowledge, but that doesn't mean there is nothing going on behind the scene.

    Thank you!

  14. I dreamed that I was in my former church where they were having a special guest speaker who was teaching on Judaism. The pastor of my former church was going to be away and he thought this would be a good teaching for the church to know about. The teacher was part of a radical Messianic church that was very legalistic. She and a man who I think was her husband were giving explanations and demonstrations. They also had a large following of their church members there that seemed like a cult.

    There was a part of my dream where they were very concerned about food and which ones couldn't be cooked or stored together. I was trying to help them clean up the food they brought and they were constantly telling me no, those things don't go together. I specifically remember cooked ham and onions that couldn't be on the same plate.

    The main teacher lady, asked me to be her personal assistant and to make sure no one put too many things on her shoulders, literally. I didn't understand at first, but her church members would come and put things on her shoulders as a form of honor as if they couldn't carry the burden on their own. I thought that was weird.

    Later, when the teaching was finished, I was in a small fellowship room with her and her husband. When the doors were closed, she walked up to the stage, raised her dress and bent over. The man walked up behind her and took down his pants as if to have sex with her from behind. I was mortified and ran out of the room, determined to find someone in leadership at my church to tell. The couple then knew they couldn't manipulate me to come into their following. They did everything in their power to "look good" to the leadership because they knew I was going to tell.

    I finally told some people and they believed me. A guy said he had a similar experience with them. Then at the end of the day, our church members had a closing session of some sort. The husband of the woman came up on stage and simulated nailing himself on a cross as if to "crucify" himself for his wrongdoing and gain us in his favor, which was just another manipulation. When he did this, I purposely made a gagging noise loud enough for everyone to hear to indicate that I didn't believe him and the other church members followed suit. At first, I felt guilty for not believing him, but then I was convinced that my actions were not offensive to the Lord.

    Side note: I had this dream after looking in the Bible for whether or not certain sexual practices between Christian married couples were wrong.

  15. I dreamed I was in Africa as a missionary. I was in an area that was extremely poor. So poor that it was unfathomable to me. The kids who were around 7 years old looked like they had never had a bath. I thought to myself, "I wonder if they even understand what a bath is?" All the people I saw were black and then I saw two white kids and I was surprised. I assumed they were a missionary's kids, and they were just as dirty, but they were happy and playing with the other kids. I also saw a woman, who looked well beyond her years and I knew she had never had a moment of comfort such as a bed or a cold cup of water. I began to weep and cry out to God on her behalf and others that came before her saying to Him, "Lord! These are your children! How can You let them live like this? They deserve comfort and relaxation! Please send reprieve!" All I remember about this dream was feeling desperation and anguish for these people.

  16. I dreamed last night that I was on a cruise hosted by Oprah Winfrey and another celebrity.  Oprah was wearing a gold, sequined dress. Queen Elizabeth was on board as well. I saw her in passing several times and I remember thinking, "I can't believe I am in that close proximity to her!"

    At one point, we came to a port and some people disembarked. The place we went was not all that impressive, but I found myself talking to an older man, a real estate tycoon, who was on the ship, but was also an investor in the area. He was a billionaire and had this big wad of money he flashed around. He was telling me that he had plans for this area to improve it and make it tourist-friendly or to attract other buyers. I don't think he represented the Lord, because he seemed to be all about making money. He was nice though. He showed me a muddy mountain with a few houses on top and I could see that it could become an exclusive community with a little work.

    Then another man, also rich, but not as successful as the former man, talked to me. We were at the same location and he was talking about what a dump the place was. This man was also in real estate. I looked at that mountain and I saw what it could be. I noticed three deep grooves in the mountain and I said, "Yes, there is something that can be done with this mountain! You could turn the mountain into huge slides in the winter and kids could slide down on the snow and ice. It could be a ski resort." I told him about the other man I talked to. I briefly described him and he asked if he had a big wad of money he flashed around and I said, "Yes." He said, "That is Mr. Talleysman". He was very familiar with the man. I could tell that he admired the older man, but was a little annoyed with him at the same time because this man had natural talent and vision. The man I was talking to would never be as rich as Mr. Talleysman and he knew it.

    I was back on the ship and I ran into my dad. I asked if he had seen Queen Elizabeth yet and he chuckled and said, no. He was amused that everyone else seemed to have caught a glimpse of her but him.

    side note: I looked up talleyman and it means one who tallies, checks or keeps account of.

  17. Hi blackcheri,

    I'm wondering, do you feel inferior to the people you were with (associate pastors) in your dream? Like you don't measure up somehow or feel they are more gifted/anointed? When I read your dream a second time, what stood out to me was the part that took place on the sidewalk.  You mentioned that the other people were in nice clothing, but YOU were in a fine robe! I also thought, all the action takes place on the street most of the time, and I was wondering if your being on the sidewalk was like being on the sidelines. If this is how you feel, my impression is that God is showing you how HE sees you. Red is wisdom and anointing and the blue sash you said was royal (royalty.)

    The African man may represent God or an angel. Who else would know your exact size, pay attention to detail and put thought into it?

    If this does not fit, please feel free to toss it!
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