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Posts posted by rei

  1. That makes a lot of sense yes, thank you Mia! I got it! The dream with the 11 people in the room...9 of them were men. I was more upset about the men being in the room than about the 2 women. This shows me that when it comes to my wife's relational interaction, it will be the interactions with men that upsets me the most. (Not sure about the 9/11 ratio though). Then the dream with the dancing with my friend shows that she gets much "closer" to guys than what I'm used to or even comfortable with. But the fact that she is open about it and told me about it shows that her intentions are pure. So GOD is trying to warn me to not get overly upset, and rather talk to her about it and share my feelings. That way I'm sure we can reach common ground?

    Awesome stuff! I feel much better.

  2. Hi Mia,

    Thank you so much for the quick response. Yes, you have a point about my wife's confusion in the dreams. Also, in both of the dreams she freely told me about what happened, which adds to the fact that it doesn't look to have something do with infidelity.

    I am definitely an overly sensitive person, but I don't have knee jerk reactions. I mostly freak inwards, rather than outwards. :) Having said that, I probably would have reacted the same way as I did in the dreams. Mainly because dancing is very intimate to me and I also wouldn't want my wife to spend a night in one room with 11 people before telling me about it.


  3. Hi,

    I hope someone will be able to help me. I have prayed about the dreams and GOD has shown me one or two things with regards to the dreams, but I don't know the full meaning.

    First dream a couple of months ago:

    I dream I come home one afternoon and my wife tells me that she had some people over the previous night (the dream wasn't specific about who it was). She tells me that they all slept over and that they slept in the same room as she did (not sure which room) . It was 9 men and 2 women. I got very upset with her and confronted her about the fact that she allowed strange people to sleep with her in the same room without letting me know. I was especially upset about the 9 men. She couldn't see why I was so upset.

    The second dream I had last week:

    I dream my wife tells me that she went to the church one weekend to join the group of women who do worship dancing there on the weekend. When she got there none of the women were there. Only my best friend was there, and his wife wasn't with him. The two of them danced together alone. I was also upset and confronted her, she had a blank expression on her face.

    I have not told my wife about the two dreams yet. I'm not sure what to do with the dreams, but they worry me somewhat. We have been happily married for more than a year now and I love my wife dearly. On the surface the dreams feel wrong to me, because in both of the dreams I was really upset and woke up the next morning feeling betrayed. I am somewhat insecure, and these dreams aren't helping me.

    Whenever I pray about them GOD speaks to me about His Church. He shows me that His Bride sometimes let's Him down, but He keeps on forgiving them and loves them. His grace goes beyond His bride's faults. GOD has also spoken to me about Hosea the prophet a few times.

    Thank you for your assistance in advance.

  4. Hi all!

    I stumbled upon this forum a while back while I was looking for biblical dream symbols. Since then, every now and then GOD reminded me of the forum, and til now have not been able to muster the courage to join and share my dreams. But, here I am :) Hope I can be a blessing to someone and I hope someone can help me with some of my dreams.

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