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Posts posted by IyoboOsa

  1. Hi every one,

    I do have some dreams and at times, I can barely understand them. There is not often a time I sleep, that I don't see things.

    I saw a little baby girl about a year old. She climbed into this damaged car I was sitting in at the back sit. Two front doors of the car gone! And some tyres removed. This car was in a very bad state and I was there, sitting at the back when this baby girl climbed in quietly
    Without looking at me/talking to me, baby went for the IGNITION, and sort of turned it to off position. There was no key attached but she was able to turn it 90 DEGREES ANTI CLOCKWISE - 12 TO 9 position
    Then she climbed out, started walking away towards a house just in front of the car. A few steps away, she turned, looked at me and said something I could not understand. It was in two syllables D..D.../B...B..., I did not understand what she was saying to me
    Then she continued walking, climbed a pavement then into the house. A woman was waiting for her, saying where's my baby. When the woman saw her, she carried this baby girl and went into a room. END OF DREAM

  2. Hello Brother, this dream clearly signifies that the mark of Christ is upon you.
    There is/are something(s) that you're doing that God is very pleased with. People might not see or notice but God wants you to know, that nothing passes or misses his attention
    Be steadfast and continue in good doing, by his grace i.e., His ability!
    It is well with you, SHALOM.

  3. Hi every one. I'm new to this forum and giving it a try

    I do have some dreams and at times, I can barely understand them

    Most recent, I saw a little baby girl about a year old. She climbed into this damaged car I was sitting in at the back sit. Two front doors of the car gone! And some tyres removed. This car was in a very bad state and I was there, sitting at the back when this baby girl climbed in quitely
    Without looking at me/talking to me, baby went for the IGNITION, and sort of turned it to off position. There was no key attached but she was able to turn it 90 DEGREES ANTI CLOCKWISE - 12 TO 9 position
    Then she climbed out, started walking away towards a house just in front of the car. A few steps away, she turned, looked at me and said something I could not understand. It was in two syllables D..D.../B...B..., I didnt understand
    Then she continued walking, climed a pavement then into the house. A woman was waiting for her, saying where's my baby. When the woman saw her, she carried this baby girl and went into a room. END OF DREAM

  4. Hi every one,

    I do have some dreams and at times, I can barely understand them. There is not often a time I sleep, that I don't see things.

    I saw a little baby girl about a year old. She climbed into this damaged car I was sitting in at the back sit. Two front doors of the car gone! And some tyres removed. This car was in a very bad state and I was there, sitting at the back when this baby girl climbed in quitely
    Without looking at me/talking to me, baby went for the IGNITION, and sort of turned it to off position. There was no key attached but she was able to turn it 90 DEGREES ANTI CLOCKWISE - 12 TO 9 position
    Then she climbed out, started walking away towards a house just in front of the car. A few steps away, she turned, looked at me and said something I could not understand. It was in two syllables D..D.../B...B..., I didnt understand
    Then she continued walking, climed a pavement then into the house. A woman was waiting for her, saying where's my baby. When the woman saw her, she carried this baby girl and went into a room. END OF DREAM
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