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Posts posted by ashley.lashawn88

  1. A few weeks ago, I had a dream where my boyfriend and I were driving along side a crop that was on my right side. (My bf was driving.) I remember feeling happy in the dream because I was holding his hand, admiring the blue sky even though the weather was cold and brisk,(it looked to be about morning) looking at the crops and admiring how big, tall, and healthy they looked. It looked like it had fruits, veggies, and what looked like lavender (it was purple) mixed in, along with wheat. They looked very healthy, and we came to a stop sign and a sign underneath that read, "End of Dietz Farm". (Dietz is my bf's last name.) We turned back around, and we saw what looked to be farmers taking at least 10% of the crops grown. There were farm trucks harvesting the crops, and there was a company that were taking the 10% of the crops. I can't remember what these people looked like. All I remember is we were confused at first, then after we got an explanation (We owned the crops, the land, but the person we bought it from wanted 10% of all crops grown), we felt better, hopped back in his white truck, and continued on our way home. Any ideas?

  2. Hi everyone! My name is Ashley Kennedy, and I'm new here. I was referred here by a friend of mine on facebook. I have a dream or two that I haven't really been able to stop thinking about, but I'll post about them in another forum post. God bless, and I'm excited to be here!
    happy dance happy dance happy dance happy dance

    woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo
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