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Posts posted by lightning_po

  1. 3 artisans isn't a huge change for people count, regardless how many we had. Basically we thought that since there would be 2 servers up (smp and classic) , that we might consider taking on more staff on classic because our staff will be spread more thinly to cover smp. If you disagree with this idea or their artisan rank, please demote them to what you see fit.

    The idea WAS completely rushed, it went from talking about it between me zhuge and kev on skype then basically rushed into AppleCraft and asked them. Am I expecting those mods to stay permanently? no. But if we go up the list again and get busy (possibly while most staff is on SMP, ect), will I run over to applecraft and ask for their help? Of course.

    I'm not asking for new permanent superpowers in the server or anything as outrageous as that, I'm just asking for some backup when things get really hectic. Mostly this is planning for the future rather than planning for today.

    Personally, I don't care for handing out ranks. I merely suggested that we give them a chance to prove moderating ability. (except for maybe alecbahmer, I didn't 100% think that out, but still am for giving him a chance)

  2. The whole purpose behind this entire idea is to provide more staff. Over the weekend we reached the front page and went all the way up to #8 I was told before we had to reset. We had 5 Artisan+ Staff on but at one point were still wildly overrun. That being said, We (referring to Kev, Zhuge and I) were talking and thought about adding more staff.

    AppleCraft is a server with a few solid staff members, but due to its small size, it gets overrun a little more often. AppleCraft just happens to run on fcraft, which this server runs. We had a simple idea to in essence borrow staff From AppleCraft for when we get too busy, and if they show any real potential , I see no reason not to promote them further based on their moderating history.

    We have proposed this idea to Both Onion, EricB and also to A few of the better staff members on AppleCraft. We will start them at Artisan , because it is the first rank in which you get /undox.

    A list of potential People we have begun Artisan Trials for:

    RyanIssoAwesome - Artisan As of 12/04/2011
    AlecBahmer - Artisan As of 12/04/2011

    People considering option/having spoken to :

    JaffaMiner (currently Mason with JaffaTraz for own world )
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