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Posts posted by iJess

  1. lea75 wrote:
    I have one of my Mums old phones...my daughter decided to leave mine next to the sink and it got soaked and doesnt work now Sad ...I loved my phone

    Haha, same. My mum doesn't want to buy me an expensive phone 'cos I alway's seem to break them :Oops:

  2. I only used to think of pet society as an app, But now I'm addicted to it Smile Thing is though as said above people send them as gift's, and if there is the shop glitch supposedly, then we can't do anyhting to stop it and it is a shame that it spoil's the suprise for us but life goes on. All playfish are bothered about is getting money from it's user's, but on the otherhand they could be fixing stuff instead.

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