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Posts posted by Kokonee

  1. Sinenomine, if you would like a cat that digs I might have one to send you! Would you like my Seashell; she is light green with pink spots and all her babies are diggers too! Or I can send you Rootbeer; a large (BIG) brown cat with purple eyes. He is related to Seashell.

  2. scardona88 wrote:
    kokonee im going to add you for happy pets ok

    That will be great! Be sure to put something about this forum or "Happy Pets" on the request!

    sinenomine wrote:
    A fluffy was born today, but not really sure if you will like it
    What color are you looking for Kokonee?
    I will add a pic and feel free to tell if you like it or you will look for another one congratulations

    This is Durazno
    Noy very sure if its a fluffy

    Yeah! I'd love to adopt Duranzno! I am looking for all colors, and I don't have any like this one! Thanks!

  3. Thanks everyone!
    Yeah, a good kitchen is hard to make! Once I got rid of the idea of having to have all the usual items, it was fun putting the big aquarium in there! But my favorite is the Sashimi boat with the wiggling tail!

  4. Ursula wrote:

    I love so much this new one:


    She (or he, I can't remember) has those sweet eyes with such cute paws that I'd eat her!!!!

    Is this from one of mine? I can't remember, but I have an identical one which is a she and I named her Barbie!

  5. scgrandma58 wrote:
    We still have them here in the USA. They are called pixie stix like Yvette said. I love them too. Enjoy Steph! lol

    And Pixie Stix are kind of a sweet/sour mix. Yum! Now I'm going to date myself; I remember buying them at the penny candy counter! Yep! for one cent!

  6. Just wanted to say, thanks for all the chicken coop materials...but I am not building a chicken coop. I am exclusively a virtual Crazy Cat Lady! But I welcome all yard decorations and mystery boxes!
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