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Posts posted by Kokonee

  1. Thanks, everyone!
    I have been visiting my sister, a nonsmoker, who has advanced lung cancer. Today, I will be going to visit my parents for the weekend. Then, go on home. It is a long drive, and I will be breaking it up into two days of driving. I miss my hubby and kitties.

  2. I'm just stopping in to say hello...
    I have busy with excess reality. I've been just checking in on my games, but not doing much. Sorry that I haven't been returning the favor of free gifts...but if things return to any sense of normality, I will get back to writing notes and gifting.

    Love you all!

  3. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    cute. Smile I put some in the trader if anyone is interested in this one's twin, I have soooo many kitties.

    I claimed her! And renamed her "Granola Queen" because of all the bits on her!

    Oh, and I put a lovely dark grey and orange striped kitty with red eyes in the trader...has sparkles too!

  4. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    Another kitty that just came out of the basket. She's beautiful. The daughter of Data and Guinan. I haven't thought of a name for her yet, so will keep her as Lucky until something comes to mind.

    Beautiful! How about "Neelix"? But that is a male name...what was his companion's name? The one that turned into energy?
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