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Posts posted by Kokonee

  1. Still no nursery!
    And they have the proof that I paid for it!
    I had to use FB credits because I don't foresee getting the 40 friends that play in order to get it with the in game coins. Grrrrrr...

  2. ROFL! The dalmatian is in the "God" mystery box? Is that because Dog spelled backwards is "God"?

    That "Large Sectional Sofa" looks like the helm of "The Enterprise"!!!

    I think it is pretty cheesy that PF introduces "pixeled" items...talk about through back!

  3. Smorkle, you should try dumping the bowl out into another bowl and then back into her food dish. Add just one or two kibbles for the smell and she will eat up what is there! Of course, you are rewarding her behavior by getting up and feeding her!

    Tiddly, I'm sure Sven has a great job coming...so does Wade! (we hope)
    And if the asylum needs references, you can give them my name...I'll certify you! congratulations

  4. I still have not received any word regarding my missing nursery!!!! Mad
    And now I've run out of space and had to put some kitties in the hotel until I get another room! I'm using my first room as a nursery, so I can only have up to 8 baskets at a time; right now I have 7 and one kitten there. All my other rooms and yards have 8. Grrr! I bought a bunch of items yesterday just for the experience points. Almost to another yard!

  5. Here's another one I discovered:
    before closing up, switch the cursor to the arrow. You don't really need to do this as any of the cursors will work, but for me, the arrow works so much better and faster on the scroll bar.

  6. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    okay, I'll go into my house and find one for you. I have tons of greenish cats, maybe one of those is just the ticket...just don't laugh too hard at my Trek names, that's how I organize differnet groups of cats.

    Me? Laugh at Trek names? I'm the one with a cat named Smurfette!

  7. Patience, shamatience!
    I've gotten some really weird FB messages lately! Things seemed better just now, when I was on again. And FB chat is so touchy! but I love chatting with all of you across the pond!

  8. I want to thank you all for the kind words, in-game gifts, and generally warm thoughts! I so appreciate the prayers! (Remember, Kokonee's chapel is always opened! 1st CC room!) I also want to say a special thank you for those who are on line during my early hours, when I am having insomnia! It is so nice to chat.

  9. I have been having issues with my cursor in this game. I use a lap top and the cursor would get stuck when touching pets. But, the good news! I have discovered two tips:

    1. Go to touchpad controls and set it to "light touch" This makes the pad more sensitive.
    2. When clicking, click slowly and not rapidly. It takes time for the computer to catch up with the clicks. Or, set the touchpad controls for rapid clicking. I did not do this because sometimes, in other situation, I accidentally click when I don't mean too (kind of a finger twitching situation)

    Now, my cursor is much happier!
    Any other hints? There have been so many issues, I thought we should share!

  10. Well, I got on the game again today (I was on very early when I couldn't sleep) and Voila! My missing baskets were in my Gifts! Also, everything seem to be reset because I was able to click on all my neighbors' piggy banks for the second time today!

    Darn, I was hoping things got better for you, Yvette! (and yes! I'll take a random cat offspring...just no pink...too many pink cats!)
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