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Posts posted by SashaGirl

  1. My husband is hospitalized on a regular basis. Why would I want to do this hospital theme? I get enough of it in real life.

    He and I were laughing about it, saying that he should buy some of it for his pet. Then when he's in the hospital and I take care of his Bobby, I can put up the hospital theme and all his friends will know where he is.

  2. I love the snowy pictures! Beautiful, but not fun to be outside in that kind of weather unless you are playing in it. I used to live in a very snowy area. I don't miss it at all.

    We will be getting rain here for Christmas. I went out to the store a bit earlier this morning. Went early with the idea of missing the crowds, so was very happy to find that my son and I were able to get through the aisles very easily. Now I can stay home the rest of the day!

    Am waiting to hear if my daughter will have her baby now before the end of the year. She lives about 1,500 miles from us, and I wish I could be closer, but we stay in close touch. Technology is wonderful!

  3. I know how hard it is to have a houseful of sick kids - and worse when you are also sick. Seems like some years are harder than others. Seems like the same bug/virus just keeps making the rounds of people. I hope you all get better really soon and can enjoy the holidays!

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