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Posts posted by SashaGirl

  1. raphaeline wrote:
    Hmmm... you don't think that maybe it's something you only get if it's your first vacation ticket, do you? I got the cruise before I got those two Arabian Nights; maybe that's the trick?

    Maybe if you get a cruise after your first vacation, you get all but one item? That's my best guess! I still don't understand why the person who responded to my ticket said that there was no tent, though. I mean, it's sitting there in half a dozen friends' homes, so it apparently exists.

    No, that isn't the problem. I also ended up with 2 safaris and both have the same items. My husband got a cruise, then was gifted another cruise, and both had the same items. When I opened my gifted Arabian Nights, it didn't list the tent like the first one did. Originally, it listed 2 Arabian Nights tops, and the 2nd wasn't listed this time either. So they must have gone in and taken that out, and I guess the tent was also removed at the same time.

  2. I know how hard it is to be so worried about someone. It's great that you've found a private doctor, and I hope your dad gets good news from him. Make sure you take care of yourself, and encourage your mom and dad to take care of themselves, too. That is very important when you are going through something like this!

    It sounds like you have a lot of good friends on this forum. Do pm them if you need someone to talk to - I can tell they really care about you. And that's all part of taking care of yourself, letting your friends be there for you.
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