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Posts posted by RocLibrarian

  1. Yeah. That was the one think I liked about the redesign. Seeing them back makes me a bit grouchy too. I immediately wondered if they are losing people and are trying to take drastic measures to increase the number of players right now.

  2. Etc. is a Latin abbreviation. There are a number of them in English, such as: e.g. and i.e.

    Etc. is short for Etcetera. It means "and so on and so forth" or more literally "and other things."

    E.g. is short for exempli gratia and means "for example."

    I.e. is short for id est, which means "that is."

    I have an English degree. Don't hesitate to ask me any other grammar questions you might have.

  3. The writer David Sedaris tells a true story about a man he met in Japan who was very afraid of butterflies. So there is at least one other person in the world with your fear. Meeting

  4. Also, I feel suspicious someone is a hacker if their house looks like every room is a "shop" for expensive items and they display not even one room that they have decorated to suit their taste. Why would you play the game exclusively to trade? There is no motivation. So I suspect hacking in those cases and will not friend.

  5. Help me do some spring cleaning. I want to get rid of objects that are duplicates or are just taking up space in my trunk. Please make an offer.

    Big pink office chair
    Shopping bag decor
    Shell picture
    Haiti poster
    Pink heart wall sticker
    Wooden rocking horse
    Newcomer picture frame decor
    Pink gift basket
    Modern red couch
    Elegant white piano

    Plushies, dolls, and toys:
    Jester doll
    Leprechaun's wife plushie
    Leprechaun plushie
    White kitten plushie (three in stock)
    Cute puppy plushie
    Red panda plushie
    Baby lamb toy

    White cute crown
    Bee hairband
    French maid's cap
    Golden half-mask
    Tiger bib
    Diamond blue ring
    Obsidian bangle
    Blue bracelet

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