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Posts posted by sinenomine

  1. Completely agree, its frustating trying to play properly , its ridiculous been 3 years as "beta" as you say
    I have to wait now more time to game fully loaded, and its impossible to send back gifts, I thought it would be just some days but I just cant

  2. Yes , I have had that feeling several times in my life, sometimes I have felt like nobody really understands my way of being or they are like a barrier for what I really want to do ... but yes I have experienced the feeling of running away and leave everybody behind

    A chat with a friend always help, fortunately now with internet we can always find someone nice to talk to

  3. I am fine, thanks for asking Lazar, I have not back to playing games at FB due to my monitor which is working pretty bad, white color is now redish/pink so imagine how I see things, green color is now black, I dont have money to send it to repair so I am waiting my exhusband to send it to fix or buy another one

    Warching your pic it seesm to me that you are not fat
    Remember that exercising must be progressive so if you run you must beggin running short distances and later more and more

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