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Posts posted by glow88

  1. yea i was using firefox before....
    and now i just change my browser ...now using google chrome..haha
    its lot better than firefox! thats why i change my browser but >< too bad dun have a toolbar for google chrome..so a little inconvenient haha cause im so used to the toolbar already..

  2. Hi admins/ mods...!

    I have a question about the toolbar..
    I was using the toolbar for my firefox all along but I just change my browser into google chrome..!
    And I only saw toolbar for IE, firefox and safari only...
    Just wondering is there a toolbar for google chrome too ?
    >< so used to the toolbar already and now without the toolbar in the new browser, im just so not used to it ...haha...


  3. giordani wrote:
    i am so jealous...i wish i could hit 20 posts before sunday...

    can we drop the rules for new comers?

    its super easy to get 20 posts in the forum if ur an active member..
    u can go around chat with other people in the cafe or even play the forum games...
    do some trading around or participate around in the forum..
    but definitely no spamming and dun anyhow posts..
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