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Posts posted by beastmom

  1. I've tried to contact playfish. they just sent me a message that the ticket was closed.I can't start up a new pet can't get into the game.I'm not sure I want to start over after losing everything I had from playing for over a year.thanks anyway

  2. Well here is the update I've tried other browsers.checked to make sure I didn't block the game some how.I even had my niece try to log in on her pc for me.yes you guessed my account wouldn't load for her either. (she has no problems with hers)So now I'm thinking that playfish has banned me for whatever reason. It would have been nice if they let me know before doing it tho.I didn't cheat it didn't even cross my mind.I will miss playing the game. Not much I can do about it,Sad

  3. I have been trying to get into the game for over a month. I have tried at all different hours of the day and night. I get all the different errors. update your flash (I did)unable to connect at this time etc. I've even asked for help from playfish. The response from them was update your flash clean out you cache.even that I may have been caught with a cheat and could be locked out. This I didn't do. then they informed me that the case was closed. Is there anyone out there that can help me get back to my pet Zoe. I'm afraid she may have starved by now lol.
    Thanks for any help
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