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Posts posted by Atomkinder

  1. I don’t see any topic about Hotwheels error cards (if I missed it please forgive me) so I decided to create one. Some of you well know about error cards, simply means it’s a mistake made by Mattel factory boxing. Some errors cards are truly one of it’s kind, some are weird , some are funny. Never the less, zucker collectors like me or maybe you, would still love to look at each and every Hotwheels card as detailed as we can to spot one, why not? So if you do spot an error, please post a picture here, let us see.
    I'll start with mine, enjoy:

    UnFocus ForD?

    Where's the FRONT wheels?

    picture by richardrowell

    Where's the BACK wheels?

    picture by dr_splian

    Where's ALL the wheels?

    picture by Tascarman

    No Tempo 1

    picture by WarmTires

    No Tempo 2

    picture by rumblefish

    No Tempo 3

    picture by ozwheelz

    Sometimes a MatchBoX wanting to pose like a Hotwheels too

    ...and a Hotwheels wanting to pose like a matchbox

    picture by redovermind

    SiCK of seeing TH Qambee but this?

    picture by Mahun

    Unfinished business?

    picture by 58.ANGLIA

    Sometimes it's not one error but many

    picture by 1594matt

  2. I had almost a familiar story.
    Last year, during Bulan Ramadhan, I was hunting somewhere in Puchong area near my sister's house. I remembered it was a Saturday morning, I started hunting at about 10am and around 11am I was hungry because I didn't have breakfast, so I decided to stop at a some Mamak restaurant.
    As some of you have seen me, I looked like Malay, dark skinned but I am pure chinese lah.
    So, as I walked in, suddenly one of the bangla workers said to me... "Mali, Mali! Jangan takut... belakang ada tempat, mali masuk!"
    I was thinking what the hell is he trying to tell me but out of curiosity, I quietly just follows him to the back of the restaurant and there's a room. Then he said..."Masuk sini, TaKpah punya boleh makan dalam"
    When he opens the door of the room, there was like THREE other malay dudes in there EATING nasi lemak and teh tarik.
    It's a SPECIAL HIDDEN ROOM for curi makan!
    One of the guys said to me "Masuk la brader, makan la...tak puasa hari ne?"
    I almost wanted to burst out laughing but I turned to the Bangla worker and says... "TaKpah! I BERANI! I MAKAN LUAR!"
    Then the bangla looked at me with a shock and said "wah you manyak berani la.." then I ordered my maggi goreng.
    The Bangla thought I am malay kekeke What a FaceWhat a Face


    Bagger dear ole bagger
    why are you everywhere you blady bugger
    From 7-11, JJ to Carefour
    I see you every where, what for?

    Don't you know I already want to muntah
    At least maybe a SUPER boleh ka?
    What is Mattel doing
    Sending the same cases everywhere we're going

    Hello? That is January Thunt, you know...
    Now is already August, you cow!
    I hope you all like my poem about Bagger
    If you see another, buy it and you're a sucker.

    Here, my photos dedicate to Bagger the Bugger
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