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Posts posted by darthvader

  1. hassan wrote:
    oit ni bukan citer jer da ke laut dgn tuan badan skali da masuk ke laut nih... tak prasan plak ni da jd thread ' what hp u using'... What a FaceWhat a FaceWhat a Face ...

    eleh dia nak join ckp org lain lak..ala join je la kitorg xmarah pun..meh2 share ur story... Razz

  2. jay wrote:
    tau ler hp korang sumer power2...sorang pakai berry hitam sorang lagi pakai iphone...sumer nak bandingkan ngan hp buruk aku...hp buruk kurang2 masuk air pastu leh kering tau...pasni nak godam bagi leh selak2 cam iphone lak..pastu terus sambung kabel Unifi...

    kami mahukan anjakan paradigma dari ko jay seperti kown..

  3. wildspirit wrote:
    A bit of bengang news. The staff of C4 Sub Jaya telling me that the HW MOTU are available since they began their promotion of mainline HW at RM 5 per card...means its already more than 2 weeks.

    Later as bengang already i grab 9 carded Hot Ones and 2 basic and go to cashier. The cashier take the basic ( Hal Jordan ) and scan...tit tit tit....berapa dik? i asked

    RM 55.00 bang.

    ( wowww cancel swipe credit card..bayar cash je la mcm ni ) lalalalala..

    hahahahaha this is very lucky!!
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