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Posts posted by darthvader

  1. so k let say u just finish shopping in a mall happily with your lovely girl friend ,suddenly your girlfriend say wanna have some starbucks coffee and u 2 person go to star bucks , and u saw this

    so never mind your gf say don't want Liao let go home so u 2 walk to your car in the basement carpark ,on the way u saw these
    and these

    and u are so worry looking for your car in te end u see this
    and this guy standing there
    asking u is this your car? Are u able to accept it?

    sos =

  2. hassan wrote:
    lol!lol! ........ tak bley tahan ... ruang sig guna utk buat penafian... ngalahkan artis .. tp nanti cam artis gak .... rupanyer betul... ahahaha jgn mara yer... rolleyesrolleyesrolleyes

    letih nak tegur da bro...flip tumpang thread ko buat semak jap.

  3. hassan wrote:
    certanye budak nama dathvader.. dia pun duduk putrajaya... tak sure la kau kenal ke dak.. selain manbutt dia pun ada minat ni batman... certanye... certanye.... whistlingwhistlingwhistling

    ish2..suka aku kawan2 kasi aku pahala banyak2... Evil or Very Mad
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