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[K.I.E.V] a holiday shop!

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This shop is OPENN!!!

[Random Introduction]

Selamat Datang!
Maybe this time I will make a smaller shop that I will update. congratulations
I also have a holiday right now so I can be active for a while.

-I'm not good writing an introduction : P

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[Finger Puppets]

Please include:
-your pet photo
-clothes photo if you may
-other request ( if you have any)

Pose: 1/2/3

Price: 2x999

The finger puppet is not available for now! sorry

[Cookie Pets]

Please include
-your pet photo. No clothes necessary.
-other request ( if you have any)

Please pick:
Topping: None/Chocolate straws/Cherry/Ribbon ( please tell me the colour)/other!( please tell me)
Mouth: Yes/ No
If yes, please pick the mouth( according to the emoticons):
: ) : ( : 3 : | : D : P : O

All of the eyes in this style will only be a dot.

Price: 2x999

[Pixel Pet Mask]

Please include
-your pet photo. No clothes necessary.
-other request ( if you have any)

Please pick:
Mouth: Yes/ No
If yes, please pick the mouth( according to the emoticons):
: ) : ( : 3 : ] : |

Please tell me how big you want this to be. This style will be blurry if resize.

Price: 1 GMB

[Avatar, Signatures, Banners and BUMPs]

I make every kind of them, from the simple to the complicated ones!
I could make them animated. You could ask me to make your pet same as your favorite plushies, statues or anything!.
Just tell me what you like and I'll make it : D

Price: FREE!

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1.Pedj@ 94 Dixy


Shop was made - 8/09/2010
Shop was edited - 11/09/2010

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ohhh....nice shop......=D

can i have pet cookie =D

sorry i don't have any photos without clothes hope this is ok.....LOL

Topping: ribbon like hat one on the head of my pet....color of my pet can be like her color dark brown....LOL
Mouth:yes Smile(or some to look like my pet mouth)

if you need any another information pleas tell me....=D

and i would love to have one statue pet if i can order 2 arts......

can you make my pet like sweet mermaid statue.......use this picture if you can...=D


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Hi i'm glad ther's a new shop!

I want an avatar and I want my pet to be the golden mayor statue and a siggy with my pet as a cheesy mayor statue and cheese surrounding her and I'd like both to use this picture if possible sorry I don't have any naked pics of my pet Ashamed
thx, by the way i've always been waiting for your new shop congratulations

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Pedj@ 94 Dixy wrote:
ohhh....nice shop......=D

can you make my pet like sweet mermaid statue.......use this picture if you can...=D


Do you want the mermaid statue in the original color? or your pet color?
I must say that it's difficult changing the hair and anything. but I will try. congratulations
And do you have any particular size that you want? maybe for avatar or signature, etc
I could make it blink if you want for the avatar or signature use.

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ohhh sorry foir late replay but i didn't see it........LOL

imermeid statue can be in original purple colour and make it blink and in signature size.......=D

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