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4999 and 999s??

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Hey everyone I am new to the forum as you can obviously tell! I am having trouble with what 4999 and 999 means! Thanks so much!!!


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999 items means items that u get from the gmb (the yellow box in the mystery shop for 500 coins) ..when u open some of the items, there are items that are worth 3000 coins which when u sell it back to the shop, u get 999 coins..those are 999 =)

there is a list of 999 items here..take a look =)

scroll down till u see 999 items..that are a list of 999 items^^
also a brief explanation on 999 items

4999 items are bubble chairs and princess bed that u can find them in the luxury store which are worth 15000 coins...
u can resell them back to the store for 4999 coins..

ppl usually trade with 4999s or 999s =)
a normal trading rate is 5 x 999 for 1 x 4999 =)

hope this helps

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Thak you so much! I have been so confused haha! Now I can not wait to trade! I am keepin my eye out for a dark queen bed

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=) good luck trading here but hmmm
are u sure ur facebook link works?
i cant see anything after clicking it =)
maybe try putting a new one that works^^

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