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promoting the right person?

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on board their is a castle and its pretty impressive but i think the wrong person was promoted for it
this person was bigflipwildcrash and he asked me to include him in this zone castle and he was promoed to mason and diealter wasnt yet he was included in zone b4 bigflipwildcrash was wat happened?

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So who's castle is it then?
I put them both in the zone (or it was me and another adept/expert) but i remember doing one of them at least; they convinced me it was their castle and that they were working on it.
Was that not the case?

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i believe it was diealter who started the castle and then bigflip... ask me to add him in this zone because there were friends or something

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My two cents:

If they both say they made it, I think the best option is just to rank diealter since he was included in the zone and had at least something to do with the castle. Smile

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