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minecraft.net is down again

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yeah everything is down, its all crap. WOM doesn't work, smp doesnt work. nothing...

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its back up...

go to the site but first you must clear your cache...

on firefox its in delete history > cache >everything..

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what site? minecraft? or WOM? cause i cleared the cache, yet minecraft.net is not workin

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It seems to be up and down sporadically. Keep trying, you might catch it when it's working.
Of course, there are other things you can do, such as getting up from the computer. Wink

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masteronion wrote:
Of course, there are other things you can do, such as getting up from the computer. Wink

How?! Never tried.

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Sloth5950 wrote:
i have a very high standard of 10 hours average a day i dont want to ruin it

Lucky you. I study/uni from 8 to 5 then work from 5 to 10. I'm on vacation right now, that's why I'm active. Sure, I have some breaks, which I use to mod here and on minecraft.

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Mr. THE MAN wrote:
It seems to be up and down sporadically. Keep trying, you might catch it when it's working.
Of course, there are other things you can do, such as getting up from the computer. Wink

That's a bit extreme, Mr. The Man. Shocked

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