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alright, today I spoke to onion bout legend/chief
his biggest complain was: what commands would they have, what experts wont have?
to make something clear, Im not whining like: OMG I WANNA BE A HIGHER RANK, GIVE ME LEGEND
its not I who should move up IMO, the "real" experts should move up IF it will be there

please experts, be serious,
do you want legend, if no, tell me why
if yes, tell what commands and shit they should have in your opinion

if we find out it wont work, we will leave it, if we find out usefull things, we will give or suggestions to onion, so he can look, think and reply to us with information on commands if they are helpfull and chieflike

*edit: onion gave this to me a while ago:

Experts already have access to most commands. In fact, the only commands they are missing are --

/bring - which I believe is useless as every rank (even novice) can use /tp
/reloadconfig - reloads config.xml, partially useless as I'm the only one who changes the welcome messages, etc.
/shutdown - shuts down the server... yeah
/importranks and /importbans - only useful if the PlayerDB gets wiped again

EditPlayerDB commands --


All useless, I don't even use these.

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Alright, here's what I think. It would be nice to have a legendary rank, but to make it have a purpose, we may need to make expert less powerful. For example: Limit on build commands, no map gen commands, no say. Things like that. I also believe that legendary should only be gotten by getting nominated. When enough people nominate you and another expert (lets say 10) then the voting can begin. Majority of votes gathered within a week wins. People may vote as many times as they like, for whoever, but only one vote per day. The rank of legendary is a rank of recognition as an honourable player. Its like giving a medal of honor to a soldier that did great in battle. I also don't think that they should be able to ban experts. They should be able to kick, since sometimes experts are goofing off and need a nudge to get back on track(something like that). I will edit this post as more ideas come, but for now, this is what I think.


P.S. BOLD means edits.

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if the rank would come Im for promoting every expert except for Z, 11 and myself right away.
You guys can than think bout us.
I ''invented'' the whole idea in the first place cuz it didnt seem right I would be the same rank as ''the big 5'' (mouf, frogger, finn, eric and sharok)
But if we had more space for new experts, good guys like sloth and craft could get nominated for expert, so creating room for more adepts

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What's the point to have legend? If we lower Expert, we need to lower Adept and if we lower Adept we need to... Yeah you get it. It's a no for me. We have all the commands, I don't know why we should have legend.

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kevinsweijen wrote:
his biggest complain was: what commands would they have, what experts wont have?

Nah man, I said what commands would we give the new rank if experts already have access to most of them. There's really no point in adding a rank above expert... I said the same thing when you brought this up about a month ago.

I don't get it. How would this rank help? scratch

Frogger409 wrote:
The rank of legendary is a rank of recognition as an honourable player.

Why do we need this?

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when i first joined aitm back in early nov there were about 6 adepts and 5 experts..

now theres at least 14 adepts and 8 experts

its growing and i think that it is a good idea to get a new rank either after expert or before it since at this rate adept will be overfilled.

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Zhuge wrote:
when i first joined aitm back in early nov there were about 6 adepts and 5 experts..

now theres at least 14 adepts and 8 experts

its growing and i think that it is a good idea to get a new rank either after expert or before it since at this rate adept will be overfilled.
You can't overfill a rank. Woaw, we had 1500+ pupils before the wipe and we didn't add 150 ranks. Why 150? Cause you guys(people who wants more ranks) want to add a rank each time it hits 10. We should give a different rank for every single player! Who's with me!!!

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I think you're all missing the point of this.
Or at least, no one has clarified the point that brought it up in the first place.

WHO is going to whack the highest players back into position when they cause trouble?
Onion? sure, he has the power, but by the time we get a message to him real damage could be done.

Kev, we've already had this discussion, you're bringing back old controversial topics.
Sure, I agree with Kev though, I also think we need it, and not as frogger put it, it's not a medal or arrogance boost for us. It's so that we still have a small majority of people who administer the whole playing field.
Expert is like having an umpire. you only have a couple of them, who make sure the place is running accordingly. Nowadays, we have people we're populating too many people who are able and willing to be adepts and or experts.
Sure, we can let it flood up.
but what will we do when someone of the same rank who is put up, goes ape shit and fucks around with the server??

Look, that's just one side of the argument. Again, we've already discussed this..

But, the other side is,
We be more selective.
Make the standards harder.
Make qualified adepts wait longer.
Have trust issues, identifying who will and who won't fuck the server up.
We're already having these problems; and it's not helping as far as I see.

I'm for Legend/ Chief rank. But we can live without it.. for now. Evil or Very Mad

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Moufisto wrote:
but what will we do when someone of the same rank who is put up, goes ape shit and fucks around with the server??

That's the same thing for pupil, mason, adept and expert. You can't stop that.

W/e happens, I want my /kick and /ban. That's the only thing that keeps me in the server, moderating.

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You can stop that.
we just need people to be there to stop it, which we don't (me included but i have work D:)
but if an expert one day decided to react like such, and with the flood of people who are makin their way up, whom we, i'm gonna be frank, haven't properly monitored..
we may strike an expert whom we can't stop if we make a wrong decision about the qualified couples that are makin their way up.

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Moufisto wrote:
You can stop that.
we just need people to be there to stop it, which we don't (me included but i have work D:)
but if an expert one day decided to react like such, and with the flood of people who are makin their way up, whom we, i'm gonna be frank, haven't properly monitored..
we may strike an expert whom we can't stop if we make a wrong decision about the qualified couples that are makin their way up.
And after 2 months, when we'll get around 12 experts, we will promote more legends and when we'll hit 8 we will think the same way (legend getting worked up) and stuff. That's why there's a demote command. If an expert is going berserk mode, Onion can demote him and restore the map.

What I said is totally useless if you guys thought of LOCKING the legend rank.

Moding the mods, weird.

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Ericrb wrote:
Moufisto wrote:
You can stop that.
we just need people to be there to stop it, which we don't (me included but i have work D:)
but if an expert one day decided to react like such, and with the flood of people who are makin their way up, whom we, i'm gonna be frank, haven't properly monitored..
we may strike an expert whom we can't stop if we make a wrong decision about the qualified couples that are makin their way up.
And after 2 months, when we'll get around 12 experts, we will promote more legends and when we'll hit 8 we will think the same way (legend getting worked up) and stuff. That's why there's a demote command. If an expert is going berserk mode, Onion can demote him and restore the map.

What I said is totally useless if you guys thought of LOCKING the legend rank.

I'm retracting my comments, satisfied with this as it is.
The way I've put it, it's indeed going around in circles..
I meant Legendary/chief to be moderating the mods only, but it's pretty silly now that i look back on it.

We may need to discuss other ideas though, if we can come up with any to help the situation.

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Right now we have 7 experts. Finnen doesn't count.
I think that's a good number. Think about it, do we even need more?

We also have 12 adepts. A good portion of them are just hungry for power and most of them will never be promoted. Don't be afraid to demote them. I don't really care about how many we have. I view them as operators (think IRC channels) because they can freeze, kick, and promote (and also manage zones). And they can read staff chat which I just thought of, thoughts on removing this and making it expert exclusive?

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removing staff chat for adepts?...nah, we all have each others msn to discuss things expertworthy
also, onion is right (as always) we just have to monitor adepts too, and when they do something REALLY wrong or go berserk mason for him/her

*edit, I think this is figured out now, I wont bother you guys with it anymore, I think this is lochworthy

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just have to speake my mind, It's all in the mined, now that I'm back Smile
I spoke highly of the ¨Legend¨ rank long before kev here did (Based on the date he created the thread)
and my tought of the rank would be that iof an honour rank, like Frogger putted it, given only to the three best builder son the server, based on their work and feedback given by others.

and again, i'd like to have a three person limit on this rank.
and these three could be replaced by vote of the ¨all in the mined population¨.
just my thoughts.
and if anyone complains bout me regiveing life to the topic... I was gone for four months...

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Finnen wrote:
just have to speake my mind, It's all in the mined, now that I'm back Smile
I spoke highly of the ¨Legend¨ rank long before kev here did (Based on the date he created the thread)
and my tought of the rank would be that iof an honour rank, like Frogger putted it, given only to the three best builder son the server, based on their work and feedback given by others.

and again, i'd like to have a three person limit on this rank.
and these three could be replaced by vote of the ¨all in the mined population¨.
just my thoughts.
and if anyone complains bout me regiveing life to the topic... I was gone for four months...
Sounds like a "member of the week" rank imo.

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Finnen wrote:
going to wait for some more opinions.
Oh? I didn't know you asked for opinions there... I thought you gave away your opinion. Oh well.

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Well, we have admin now, a great builder, sharok, an amazing mod, eric, and a combination, mouf
We are good now guys, imo its lock time for this

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