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Computer Fail

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My laptop is DEAD >.<
It won't startup. When I power on, a twisty blue line appears at the top of the screen and stays like that. Because of this, my use of the computer will be limited. I may not be on Minecraft for a while. I am not sure what will happen but I hope I can somehow solve this. Also to those that can help, please do. Thanks! Until next time. (This was posted from my sister's laptop. I won't be able to do this often xD) RIP Laptop :'(


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Sharok wrote:
plus a screen to it.


Btw, it finally started up, but it took forever.. >.<

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Frogger409 wrote:
Sharok wrote:
plus a screen to it.


Btw, it finally started up, but it took forever.. >.<

No YOU took forever. Cool damn I'm good.

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