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Minecraft.net back online

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Just notifying you guys that minecraft.net as well as the WoM client are back up again.

As for now (Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:55 am), AITM is not yet online, it probably has to be reuploaded. I'm sure it will come online soon though, after a long period of Minecraft failures.

See y'all soon!

The Craftsman

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- Day 5 without AITM

I am beginning to feel the symptoms now. Chills all over my body. The forum site is dying out, and watching random videos proves insufficent to saturate my needs. The server better come online soon, or all our work will have been for nothing.

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- Day 6 without AITM

It's horrible. The virus is spreading... Can't sleep, can't think straight.... The others have given up all hope now. We need help really badly.

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16th day without AITM
- 47:20

I think I am getting insane.... I see people everywhere! We lost one of the group... We need to get help NOW.

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So its not just me. Ive been trying to get onto AITM but its just not working at all! I haven't been on in quite a while :'(

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only resume works.

keep on getting a 502 when i join manually.

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Guys, download the new WoM client here:

worldofminecraft.com wrote:
This version is primarily to fix the issue that people were having with 502 errors when authenticating.

This version should only have issues when minecraft.net is actually down. Sometimes it was returning errors when there were none, more so in the last 12 hours.

There's also a minor fix to the Direct Connect feature where the "Go" button is highlighted when you select the input box, so it makes it easier to paste and press enter. Direct Connections now also count as your "Resume" session so if you Direct Connect and then quit, you can Resume back to the server you were just on.

No "fix" for the jumping bug yet... I'll be looking at it next, this release was just to get the 502 fix out ASAP.

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Good news Very Happy

Unfortunately, I'll be away for 2-3 days now...
Good luck in tha server!

(BTW, kev, epic timing to be in Austria while Minecraft and WoM are down xD)

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duh, I called notch:

kev: WAZAAAAAAP, Ima leaving 4 vacation, shut everything down, I dont want mouf to catch up in hours


kev: just do it -_-

notch: approve

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He would've known me actually,
he came into the ABA server and we hung out for a while.
I asked him to come back in a week to see work (cause i had currently had NOTHING made in the SMP server. caught unprepared.) but i doubt he ever did. (or will in this case) Evil or Very Mad i don't blame him though. work. :/

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Actually, I was being completely serious Kev. Wink
Though i was still 'some random' to him.

If you don't believe me ask Ziev, he was there I think.

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kevin and mou have been visiting another server, abagaming (I.E. ABANDONING US, KEELING US, BETRAYING US, ETC)
zeiv is a superop
mou is epic
kev is "sexy"
notch is god
i have therefore explained it in a comprehensible manner
have a good day/afternoon/night

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Frogger409 wrote:
mou is epic

We knew that

Frogger409 wrote:
kev is "sexy"

Wait... what?!

EDIT: TYVM Frogger, now the Asian ladies Google ads are back...

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You mean 2 people at once?

actually now that you say that.
Shit you might be right.

Did he say that?

totally tricked if so. XD

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