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Mason Griefer

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Ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem.

When I entered the server today, I found the water elevator, that I were quite sure of I had zoned it to mason+ myself before the weekend, griefed. I excluded myself from the zone and took the following pics:

Note that I excluded myself from this mason zone, and was then unable to grief this water elevator.

The reason why it's pretty sure that it hasn't been an adept+ (It could be me, but, well, it isn't xD): There were adept+ zones on both sides of the elevator. No grief trails were found there.

Luckily, it wasn't a member with admin capabilities, but I hope all of you understand this is still a very serious problem.

- The Craftsman

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If you know anything about this, either because you (accidentally) removed the zone for a while, or because you are the mason who did this, please post here or PM me.

I appreciate honesty and if a confession is made I'll do everything I can not to get you banned. If there's no confession, we'll have to info the blocks and then find and ban you anyway.

-The Craftsman

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