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Cat for sale

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My friend put it up for Aprils Fools, he put up a picture of a dog and claimed it was a dog cat mix. He got all sorts of responses claiming he was a idiot, people who thought it was genuine and some smart folks who realized it was a April fools prank. Will post up some of the e-mail responses.

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pyrad****@hotmail.com wrote:

It doesn't even look like a cat, it has a dogs nose? any ideas what it is? does it bark or meow?

I dont know, I found it last week in a ditch. The vet said it was around a year old. Maybe its a cat/dog mix? It doesnt bark or meow, just a weird growl when you bring hats near it.

natasha***@hotmail.com wrote:

omg seriously!! this is not a cat! its a dog,chawua or how ever u spell it.there is a certin kind of dog(chawuwa) that r a small breed of dog...we had one befor,it's not a cat!!


Im just going by what the vet told me, I asked if it was a Chihuahua and she said it was not, because the claws are retractable.

So far only women are replying...

stacey***@live.ca wrote:

i would say you vet is on crack this is a dog not cat

I thought the same thing when she told me, but because it has retractable claws and a rough tongue, she said it was a cat. Maybe it’s a cat/dog cross?

wow u r horrible fuck!!! u dont have no friends u can april fools lol,u seemed like the worst pet owner i was just gonna get it so i could find a good home for it!

finnel***@hotmail.com wrote:

oh yes I will gladly take this catihuaua off your hands I am very familur with this breed it dates back to the very first april fools day. When can we set up a meeting? *wink*

kayla-anne**@hotmail.com wrote:

Who in the hell is you vet cause there is no way that;s a cat. I suggest you get a new vet who knows what they are doing.

I thought the same thing when she told me, but because it has retractable claws and a rough tongue, she said it was a cat. Maybe it’s a cat/dog cross?

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lol This is awesome. Shame i couldn't see the ad

come chat with meh and tree who is afk to the MAXIMUM


Never mind, i cant chat right meow

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wow i r horrible fuck!!! i dont have no friends i can april fools lol,i seemed like the worst pet owner i was just gonna get it so i could find a good home for it!


Meow mix meow mix please deliver. :3

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