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I don't have time to type much. Work time.
I was AFK.

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I have no idea who that is but who knows. I could be pulling a moufisto. I remembered all names though that I thought were on a fast track to promotions (zhuge for instance Wink ) so not going to put a vote up for his promotion unless I remember something about him or he proves it.

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inactive only 9 hours since reset (dec 9)

havent seen/heard of him before.

therefore, we have no gauging of his trust or ablities and thus no adept.

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DemonicD3 wrote:
II could be pulling a moufisto.

i'd object but that's justified xDDDD

Well, i think i've seen his name around tbh.
his name dooeeess ring a bell, but i can't recall him being adept+

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I used to build with him (If I remember correctly)
If I don't remember what he did, I DO remember this guy.
I'll have to meet him again to refresh my memory.

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Ericrb wrote:
No one noticed the begging... -.-

What begging, all I see is a screenshot of a entire page full of text from one guy asking you kindly for a promotion. Wink

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DemonicD3 wrote:
Ericrb wrote:
No one noticed the begging... -.-

What begging, all I see is a screenshot of a entire page full of text from one guy asking you kindly for a promotion. Wink

Put yourself in his position, would you beg too?

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Moufisto wrote:
DemonicD3 wrote:
Ericrb wrote:
No one noticed the begging... -.-

What begging, all I see is a screenshot of a entire page full of text from one guy asking you kindly for a promotion. Wink

Put yourself in his position, would you beg too?

I have been in his position, recently infact and when I got here. I had no expectations of getting my old rank back let alone a promotion.

The above is also a joke, merely pointing out the fact the entire screenshot is full of the guy begging for a promotion and would be hard to miss.

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He wants us to give him an adept

Okay, lets do it

From now on, jorgepintobasto is property owned by fourarm

Done, lock please xD

But seriously, I know him, one of cafe's friends, he annoyed me, also, played for a max of 50 hours, no from me

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Guest Snowy
Yeppa I remember him. One of my friends when cafe was around. They helped me build my projects, that I would never finish But yeah I know him,, don't you guys rmbr when I had my puppy house built (how i got promo to pupil) he had a house nearby with a huge monkey on it. He said it was King Kong, he even had a plane! Well havent heard from him for a while dont know what he is capable of anymore.

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P-Puppy house >__>

Well, if he didn't do more than 50 hours and was away for the time, it's a no from me.
Whether he's Cafe's friend or not shouldn't be held against him, depending on how he is in game. (cause that does make a difference Rolling Eyes )

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Guest Snowy
That dog house was big!!!! And I actually had a dog in it Razz

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Guest Snowy
Wait but Ericb promoted me to a pupil not kev

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