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beta, you made my day

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I was seriously on the floor from laughing when I saw this in beta 1.5:


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'o.o Squids in a waterfall... AWESOME! Very Happy

Also, two AWESOME things happened on mah birthday.

1. PORTAL 2! YEAH! :3

2. Beta 1.5

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Meh. I thought Beta 1.5 would be better Razz Forgot it's Minecraft.

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Ericrb wrote:
Meh. I thought Beta 1.5 would be better Razz Forgot it's Minecraft, it's always awesome.


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Whatever. There's just no changes. Rain sound effect is getting on my nerves, achievements takes 2sec to complete and stats are just an eye candy. Still the old gameplay... "mine" "craft".

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IMO, more mobs would be definitely welcome. I'd like to battle giant tarantulas, angry birds, crazy monkeys, blood thirsty sharks, and MAD GIRAFFES!
More mobs = Very Happy
More blocks = Very Happy
More items = Very Happy
More mobs + more blocks + more items = Very Happy:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
More physics would also be welcome.
Natural disasters.
Transportation methods.
Etc etc etc.

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Frogger409 wrote:

Transportation methods.

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