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BETA Issue

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Every time i do a couple //cyl air 100 1's the server crashes -.-''

Yep, it was me who was crashing it. sorry guys.

Freaking hell nothing's gonna get done at this rate.
Is there not some way i can clear a huge block of land and not fuck the server up at the same time??

Sharok, as the host, couldn't you like, take one of the land pieces out? the terrain is done in lots of pieces rather than one big world.. -.- sigh.. hm.

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whatever happens, i don't care how, i need this done.
The city will be fuckin' massive : X

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I've decided to take 2 days off work starting tommorow,
If i can get that space i'm asking for before then, i promise to get some serious work
done during the time in AITM beta.

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Guest Snowy
Sharok can try using world edit??

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Why not just //cut yourself a big space? it works very well, unlike VS which seems to have a hard time at everything.

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Won't that have the same problem, depending on the degree of the cut?

Why wouldn't cyl work then? :l

i mean, i'll give it a shot, but i don't get the logic here :l


Edit: Server's still down :[

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use worldedit!!!! (like //set 0)
voxelsniper has issues in 1.8.1

Also, the server (hardware) is completely offline idk why.
I'll try to figure out what happened.
Edit: maybe it is trying to process the huge data that mouf changed.... if it was huge.
If the server melts..... ugh...

*going back to Shargrad, in single player*

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Sharok wrote:
use worldedit!!!! (like //set 0)
voxelsniper has issues in 1.8.1

Also, the server (hardware) is completely offline idk why.
I'll try to figure out what happened.
Edit: maybe it is trying to process the huge data that mouf changed.... if it was huge.
If the server melts..... ugh...

*going back to Shargrad, in single player*

.. it's still not online ;_;

and the commands i was implimenting when it did were not very big..
//cyl air 100 1 etc.

also i have no idea how to use worldedit. Mad but i'll see sometime

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RFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-- and i brought it upon myself. --------UUUUUCKKK

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Guest Snowy
Moufisto wrote:
Sharok wrote:
use worldedit!!!! (like //set 0)
voxelsniper has issues in 1.8.1

Also, the server (hardware) is completely offline idk why.
I'll try to figure out what happened.
Edit: maybe it is trying to process the huge data that mouf changed.... if it was huge.
If the server melts..... ugh...

*going back to Shargrad, in single player*

.. it's still not online ;_;

and the commands i was implimenting when it did were not very big..
//cyl air 100 1 etc.

also i have no idea how to use worldedit. Mad but i'll see sometime

I think only the server owner can use it but I remember my brother using it on his server. Its something he doesn't do in the server. Its like a program thing type, idk how to explain it but he has to shut off the server in order to do it. Cause its for big movings or placings. You can ask him?

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Sharok wrote:
Back online.

The server lagged extremely hard.
It recieved the connection request, but it couldn't process them.


I'm too afraid to do a cut / cyll now.
I don't want to crash the server again..
Any advice?

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