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I was demoted? (mouf read)

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According to the forum site at least, I've been demoted. I'd like to know why. I haven't been able to get on throughout the holidays, and still getting error 500 internal server error on minecraft.net.

Suspect What the heck?

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[2011-12-28 13:28:41] About lightning_po: Last seen 5d23h ago from
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Logged in 227 time(s) since 31 Oct 2011.
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] IP is not banned, and account is exempt. See /BanInfo
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Built 40933 and deleted 18311 blocks, drew 45155K blocks,
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] wrote 16904 messages.
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Kicked 48 and banned 287 players.
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demoted from expert to adept by Lucy 23h50m ago.
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demotion reason: Had a week to respond. -.-
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Spent a total of 168.5 hours (10108.3 minutes) here.

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Ericrb wrote:

[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demoted from expert to adept by Lucy 23h50m ago.
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demotion reason: Had a week to respond. -.-

To what?

I can't spend Christmas with my family for a week without worrying about a silly internet game?

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I think it started on December 16th. Moufisto knows better.

The "respond" is not about activity, but something else... something you probably didn't want to do.

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I told you to make a thread concerning how you came here, your experience, please DO NOTE that I was only passing on a message and I do NOT agree on a demotion.

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Still confused. Can someone please come and tell me in plain black and white format that I can easily understand why I was demoted?

Lots of people want to know, and I'm 100% fine with the reasons being posted here, no matter what they are.

Just give me a straight answer.

I had 42h prior to server wipe. As for moderating experience, I was 1
step below owner at AppleCraft (which isn't saying much, but I did fix
grief and get about 200h experience as a moderator and APC DOES run fcraft).

You know the rest of the story.

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lightning_po wrote:
Ericrb wrote:

[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demoted from expert to adept by Lucy 23h50m ago.
[2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demotion reason: Had a week to respond. -.-

To what?

I can't spend Christmas with my family for a week without worrying about a silly internet game?

Are you kidding me?

Kevin why didn't you tell me this?
You told her didn't you?

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lightning_po wrote:
Still confused. Can someone please come and tell me in plain black and white format that I can easily understand why I was demoted?

Lots of people want to know, and I'm 100% fine with the reasons being posted here, no matter what they are.

Just give me a straight answer.

I had 42h prior to server wipe. As for moderating experience, I was 1
step below owner at AppleCraft (which isn't saying much, but I did fix
grief and get about 200h experience as a moderator and APC DOES run fcraft).

You know the rest of the story.

You know the story too.
You had a week, and you blew it.

Kevin made no sign/ didn't communicate that you had not gotten the message, so you know very well what's going on.

If not.. this is going to cost Kevin's ass instead.

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I'm taking full responsibility for this, but my brother may have gotten on irc. I've not been able to connect at all since 20th server spams. Also I've pretty much been out of contact for the last week cuz of family and holidays are more important than a game to me. Can I AT LEAST know what i was supposed to have responded to by yesterday?

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server hopped around a bit untill i found this place originally, like
aug/sept , played for like 30ish hours and was finally promoed to mason
when i started pixel art here , but by then (about 42ish hours), nobody was ever on this
server, so i left. Then after about 30h on apc i was promoed to the
equivalent of our artisan, working my way up through ranks till all but owner
18:41Lightning_Pothen at about 237h I quit APC cuz of the staff's immaturity and came back here to find that it was server wiped.
18:42Lightning_Pothats when I started this time around
18:42zhugeso you are prewipe
18:42Lightning_Pothen thats where "you know the rest"

Added : By "you know the rest" I mean, you can /info

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Wait what. I told you, mouf, you know I told her too. But I couldn't tell WHY remember? I just had to tell her a GM asked me to tell her she should write a thread Neutral

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kevinsweijen wrote:
Wait what. I told you, mouf, you know I told her too. But I couldn't tell WHY remember? I just had to tell her a GM asked me to tell her she should write a thread Neutral

Right, so she knew.

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I didn't, but if you intend to keep saying so, fine. I'll earn it AGAIN. If anything, I've been at expert rank for 2 months, and been extremely helpful to the staff. doesn't that say anything?

I feel this is an unfair demotion. I feel like I left a chat room on and got demoted for something you said to my idle client while I was having fun with my family.

The fake server spamming and holidays seem to only add to the confusion.

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lightning_po wrote:
I didn't, but if you intend to keep saying so, fine. I'll earn it AGAIN. If anything, I've been at expert rank for 2 months, and been extremely helpful to the staff. doesn't that say anything?

I feel this is an unfair demotion. I feel like I left a chat room on and got demoted for something you said to my idle client while I was having fun with my family.

The fake server spamming and holidays seem to only add to the confusion.

I need to talk to you, in game.
Come now if you can. I'm waiting.

Edit: Not on IRC. I mean, IN GAME.
Also i'm about to hit my head on the desk. so tired. I'll wait for an hour or two. >.>

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Sorry I missed our chat, I had to do real life things. I'll be on tonight 6pm-11pm PST. If you're there, I'll see you then. If not, I'll be on like 7AM-ish to 10AM-ish tomorrow. This is fairly upsetting to me, and I really want to get this sorted out.

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