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What Xarai (amorian) thinks of us now XD

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[2012-07-21 16:26:12] Player Amorian_King joined world Main
[2012-07-21 16:26:43] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: dumping pupilhuge 2
[2012-07-21 16:26:54] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: so I can have my castle in my
[2012-07-21 16:26:54] > server
[2012-07-21 16:28:00] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: its better than this pos server
[2012-07-21 16:29:17] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: eh theres lots of lively ppl on
[2012-07-21 16:29:29] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: it just got crazy due to us being
[2012-07-21 16:29:29] > ranked 1
[2012-07-21 16:29:35] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: again
[2012-07-21 16:31:34] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: and compering to here im
[2012-07-21 16:31:34] > techncialyl expert
[2012-07-21 16:32:57] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: 3 more ppl joined cm from here XD
[2012-07-21 16:33:08] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: apparently lostie is becoming a
[2012-07-21 16:33:08] > prick
[2012-07-21 16:35:06] [Spectate]: to Becky6789: yes we used to date
[2012-07-21 16:37:08] Amorian_King: pfffft
[2012-07-21 16:38:39] Amorian_King: nvm not worth buildin here
[2012-07-21 16:39:08] Amorian_King: because i know to many power abusers here
[2012-07-21 16:39:52] Amorian_King: nah has to do with certain ppl here i dnt put
[2012-07-21 16:39:52] > up w
[2012-07-21 16:40:20] Amorian_King: tell shepp, johnson doom and the rest i said
[2012-07-21 16:40:20] > hi
[2012-07-21 16:40:37] Amorian_King: yeah lostie
[2012-07-21 16:40:43] Amorian_King: oh hi shepp
[2012-07-21 16:40:54] Amorian_King: yeah i remember u
[2012-07-21 16:41:00] Amorian_King: replyin to ur utube comment atm
[2012-07-21 16:41:23] Amorian_King: hi lord
[2012-07-21 16:41:33] Amorian_King: i remmeber when u was mason
[2012-07-21 16:41:44] Amorian_King: actually pupil
[2012-07-21 16:42:10] [Spectate]: to Doom: hi doom jes stoppin in to say hi to a
[2012-07-21 16:42:10] > few
[2012-07-21 16:42:41] About Amorian_King: Online now.
[2012-07-21 16:42:41] Logged in 2 time(s) since 21 Jul 2012.
[2012-07-21 16:42:41] Built 291 and deleted 4 blocks, wrote 32 messages.
[2012-07-21 16:42:41] Rank is novice (default).
[2012-07-21 16:42:41] Spent a total of 0.4 hours (23.7 minutes) here.
[2012-07-21 16:42:54] [Spectate]: to Doom: if i tell u promise to be nice
[2012-07-21 16:43:15] [Spectate]: to Doom: hi doom ish xarai
[2012-07-21 16:43:30] [Spectate]: to Doom: i came to dump pupilhuge2 to continue
[2012-07-21 16:43:31] > my cas
[2012-07-21 16:43:44] [Spectate]: to Doom: not here for trouble
[2012-07-21 16:44:24] [Spectate]: to Sheppard: hi its xarai just stoppin in to
[2012-07-21 16:44:24] > dump a lvl
[2012-07-21 16:45:03] [Spectate]: to Doom: no im only here to dump pupilhuge 2
[2012-07-21 16:45:41] [Spectate]: to Doom: tell johnson i said hi
[2012-07-21 16:46:38] [Spectate]: to Doom: no prob just wanan continuemine only
[2012-07-21 16:47:45] Amorian_King: well im off
[2012-07-21 16:47:55] Amorian_King: and lostie be nice to narne im watchin you
[2012-07-21 16:48:23] Amorian_King: lord i outranked you and build bettr
[2012-07-21 16:49:27] [Spectate]: to Doom: sorry but lord is disrespectful to
[2012-07-21 16:49:27] > lower ran
[2012-07-21 16:49:40] [Spectate]: to Doom: no server should allow that even from
[2012-07-21 16:49:40] > staff
[2012-07-21 16:50:22] Amorian_King: nice seein ya take care doom
[2012-07-21 16:50:29] Amorian_King: srry if i offended ya
[2012-07-21 16:50:58] Amorian_King: lostie learn some manners u dnt deserve ur
[2012-07-21 16:50:58] > rank
[2012-07-21 16:51:03] Player Amorian_King left the server.

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