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All in the Mined Steam Group

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I was bored and created one, for both Classic and SMP players. Purpose of which is to connect the AITM community via steam so they can interact with each other on other games or gain interest on both servers through public visits through steam. I thought it would be handy, if not oh well only took a couple minutes to setup so not much of a waste. Don't ask for admin on it, only given to experts on classic or GM's on SMP.


Admins for the group can post and edit announcements. They can create group events for Classic, SMP or any common non-minecraft game that players mutually play, kick out players (obviously not without a reason), manage the steam group chatroom by making it public/private or kicking players from the chatroom. They can also delete comments from the group main page should any comments need removal (racism, etc).

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Wooo! I always wanted to do this, but I don't have the time. I already am admin in a group.

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