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War on Stardust

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I now war stardust for breaking into the end and letting ppl tp'in not sure how they got in but i found a 1x2 grief in my old stronghold and he claims he didnt know it was mine or someone else... i even war everyone thats allied with stardust or anyone who goes to the end with out permission of the four stronghold keepers Snsd, vermilion, mickes town wtf is it named lol" and my town.

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The Stronghold was Not fully claimed. The only area Claimed was where the portal was. If you want war, You'll get it.

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wont be much of a war mostly me raping u.... but as i said wtf do u meen with fully claimed? so u think u can destroy none claimed houses/ places jst becouse the town didnt cover the whole area? how stupid are u....

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Heh there was grief involved so frano apple and piguy will get judgement in less than 24g

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Yeah, not a post of who-did-what and the legality of it, but is this going to be an official war, with procedures, or just killing each other randomly.

./cite Micke's rules of war.

./cite Han Tzu's Art of War.

Read up, everyone Very Happy

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Lazorx wrote:
so u think u can destroy none claimed houses/ places jst becouse the town didnt cover the whole area? how stupid are u....

I already told you. houses are made by hand. Strongholds arnt, atleast i never heard of a Handmade one.

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Well u can live and claim stronghold as urs atleast iv been living in a stronghold for the last 2 patches and i dont see how u think its not grief to destroy other players properties jst becouse they arent hand made... thats jst stupid to think that and it will get u in trouble sooner or l8r.

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Franco that was grief your charges with apple and piguy will be out tonight

No buts since the stronghold was partly claimed therfore entire stronghold is his property.

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How will i know if someone Lived at a stronghold...

This is my first time at a Stronghold, and No one ever told Me is was "Fully claimed"

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As I recall, Dem's words, which I agree on, "2 blocks of destroyed, non-placed blocks, does not count as grief." Therefore, you cannot be judged based on that charge. It would be "breaking-and-entering", which would then be judged differently. Of course, not saying that that grief is justifiable. I am also not saying repeat offenders can be let off the hook.

Also, people don't like it when loopholes are used against them, but they don't mind one bit when they use them against others, eh? Pretty ironic dontcha think? Just my thoughts; do as you will.

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In a way Stardust is hardly a town yet, Dallin said he was gonna give away the coords for Stardust with the cost of a price. But really only me, Fran, Bug and ThatGirlNamedEmma are in the town. If you really want to get a good fight go to Golden_Apple lots more people there tongue But only Fran was the one who broke into the stronghold in our town...

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As frogger said, destroying non-placed blocks is hard to count as grief, this is exactly why I had to towny zone the entire stronghold in 1.2.5. People were constantly trying to break in and as such had to destroy some of the stronghold to do so. I couldn't count this as grief as I diddn't build the stronghold, I only claimed it. I repaired the damage and waited untill we could afford to zone the entire stronghold to the point it was impossible to break in. This was however when the rules stated players were allowed to break into other homes for kills as long as they minimized the damage such as a 1x2 breach or the removal of a single fence.

I do believe those rules were removed from too many complaints, as a mod I will not ban over a 2x1 area grief but if it keeps happening I will punish over it. If it's the players first offense, I will let them go with a warning. If it's the players 2nd offense, I will kick with a severe warning. If it's the players 3rd offense I'll demote so they can't interact with the envirement or use commands for a week or simply jail. 4th offense I'll simply ban and consider them a lost cause for not listening to the extensive effort to warn them not to do it. I am not fond of giving players these many warning, I mostly just ban off the spot for lots of things however I honestly can't just straight ban a player because he made a small breach thats easily repairable. If it's extensive griefing then sure I'll ban on the spot. If the players just showing signs of wanting to get into the house without remorse for what damage they did to it and not signs for just wanting to destroy your entire property. Then I can only punish and warn the player unless they don't listen to those warnings.

I think lazor took the proper coarse of action for dealing with this, this topic was not made to call on mods to ban the player. He made it to handle this with in-game action. Hes dealing with the players involved in his own way and as such I'll help lazor in his war.

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thing is the grief wasnt the problem in this case and sure if u break 2 blocks in a wall. to get a kill i understand that and i can even see how ppl got pissed over being killed in their houses, but in this case franco griefed with the purpose to get into the end, useing our locked down portal.
we even found minor griefs in the portal room and i got 40 mossy stone bricks of franco when i killed him and these bricks can only be obtained in a stronghold so it was more than 2 blocks., and im pretty sure he was aware of the stronghold belonged to someone. as next to the minor grief there was a built zombie farm. and then bugboy griefed the cobble in the portal room to be able to pearl in to the end. this is jst the same as when epulk griefed into the end last time. I understand that a 2x1 grief cant be banneble and i dont want it to be either but where are the limmits? when ppl are using minor griefs and cant be punished. i dont want anyone to be banned for this tho its not a big deal but as they griefed into the end. all their homes should be removed from the end. thats all i ask for.

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Lazor, did you read my post? I never said these people won't be punished for it, I just said I wouldn't ban them over it.

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