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sigh micke.

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Sand structure is Mickes "home" Cobble strutures are shodow, marvin and bugs home.

for past 2 days, micke has been ganking and farming their plots while using his home as a grey area so they cant attack or "get back" via grief.

I think this is a violation of rules 5b and 5c. comments?

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This is breaking several of the rules. These being:


Micke is awfully close to Shadow, Marvin and Bug's home. One could say he's "claiming" their property.(1.2b) There should be reasonable distance between buildings if they're not working together. (2.0) Stealing their wheat. (4c) Then he's practically camped outside of their home killing them repetitively. (5b and c)

Several offenses. Not to mention these are kids he's bullying. Let them play the game and have fun for crying out loud. Just because there's PVP doesn't mean you need to constantly be killing people.

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5.0 Spawn killing is not allowed.
b. Outside someone’s house or town.
c. Do not kill someone repetitively so that he can’t flee or protect himself.

Well they clearly can't protect themselves xD even with them inside their houses, micke's addiction to pvp had lead him to tunnel under their house for the kill.

I know it's a pvp server but does it have to be an over kill to the point that you can barely play minecraft?

I say warn first like I said in smp. I was told he doesn't listen. Well if he doesn't, then there will be consequences.

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u are kidding right? i didnt see any bi on the tunneling.

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Zhuge wrote:
u are kidding right? i didnt see any bi on the tunneling.

See that hole in front of the door of the cobble house in your pic? That's his tunnel.

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