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[1.5] [Accepted-Appeal] My_chopper

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I think you made a mistake,i was banned for cursing at SKYCREEPER.i think you made a mistake because if you check the chat at that day when i got banned,i recall SKYCREEPER calling me a pussy and a prick about 7 times.And he also called me a prick before that day that i got banned. PLEASE CHECK THE CHAT THAT DAY,AND BAN SKYCREEPER,NOT ME. THANK U!!!!

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That's a hard one to solve. You didn't respect the first rule at all, but then, you were not the only one.

It could have been solved with a mute on both sides or by being a little bit more mature, but that's too tough.

You got banned for "sexual content" by zhuge for saying "shes probably a strippe".

I'll just unban, whatever, I gave warnings to worse than that.

Unbanned, but got himself banned again. Closed

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