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The good ol' forum history!

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This will make the hood a little more active. I'm gonna put up some failed topics and posts from the forums. Well what I've seen...

Name: Byebyebyebye Poster: LaytonvsWright

Name:100 hours. Poster: Cathcart22
"I have 100 hours as of like yesterday. Just lettin you all know. its not like i wanna be promoed to adept or anything... *hint hint*"

Name: Spawnkilling and Griefing? All in the Mined - Proof Video Poster: BugBoy
"Video for the story.

Name: Numb griefing and language Poster: Xarai 
"sorry kev but you was not there at all you are a liar plain and simple would been better if I had recorded the whole thing for your stupid retard self, it may be bad to say this to an expert but someone who sinks low enough to falsely accuse and demote and NOT listen to ANY witness is disrespecting his rank, and the server, you sir are worse than a griefer because at least a grief can be fixed"

He later said "please lock or ndelete this topic"

Name: making a new server Poster: thecocketiel4
"i the cockatiel 4 aficily leave all in the mined i will however will contact u thruogh irc 

my new server will be called heauehaueahua

people allowed: RSmeep13, kittycat333, octopod, generalphone, sheppard250, demonic D3, joe, and invaderpoz 

also zhuge stay the f away form it:D"

Ah doesn't all this just remind you of the old days! Even if I only focused on the failed posts and topics there still are tons of better ones out there it makes you think. 'DAMN thats alot of forum...'

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