Zhuge 0 Posted August 7, 2013 Dock ConfigBattleground: enabled: true database: Dock arenaClass: arena rated: true prefix: "&f[Dock]&e" joinType: Queue victoryCondition: nLives nLives: 5 nTeams: 2-4 teamSize: 1+ matchTime: 1500 ### You can delete any stages/transitions that have no options ### for a list of options see wiki defaults: options: preReqs: options: [money=1, noInventory] onEnter: options: [storeAll] onLeave: options: [restoreAll] onJoin: options: [] onPreStart: options: [] onStart: options: [teleportIn, pvpOn, blockBreakOff] onSpawn: options: [giveItems, hunger=20, health=20] items: - iron_helm: lore="Carapace Helm" prot:1 1 - iron_chest: lore="Carapace Chest" prot:1 1 - iron_leggings: lore="Carapace Pants" prot:1 1 - iron_boots: lore="Carapace Boots" prot:1 1 - iron_sword: lore="Combat Knife" sharp:1 1 - Bow: lore="Laser Rifle" power:1 1 - Arrow: 16 - Potion:8197 1 - Bread: lore="Small Ration" 4 enchants: - resistance:3:15 - speed:1:250 onDeath: options: [clearInventory, randomRespawn] onComplete: options: [teleportOut, clearInventory] winner: options: [health=20, hunger=20, money=1] losers: options: [money=1]Dock Item listweapons RangedLas Rifle (S)> bow pow1 15sLas Carbine > bow Pow1/pun1 15sBolt Pistol > bow Pow2/pun1 20sBolt Gun > bow pow3/pun1 20sHeavy Bolter > bow pow4/pun2 25sPlasma Gun > bow pow3/pun1/fire1 30sPlasma cannon > bow pow4/pun1/fire2/inf1 45sMissile Launcher > bow pow4/pun1/fire2 50sAuto Cannon > bow pow5/pun2/fire2 1mweapons meleeCombat Knife (S)> iron sharp1 10sChainBlade > iron sharp3/kb2 20sWarHammer > axe sharp3/kb2 30sPower Sword > diamond sharp4 45sarmorInitiate armor (S)> leather prot1 15sScout armor > leather prot3 15scarapace armor > iron prot3/fireres1 30sTactical armor > diamond prot3/projprot3/fire res2/thorns1 40sAssault armor > diamond prot3/projprot3/fire res2/featherfall/thorns1 40sDreadnaught armor > Iron prot4/projprot4/thorns2 45sTerminator armor > diamond prot4/projprot4/thorns3 1mAmmo8 S 6s12 M 12s 16 L 18s24 XL 30sHealth1 reg 6s2 reg 12s1 large 18s2 large 30s1 apple 30sgrenadesFrak (dmg1sph)x3 12sKrak (dmg2sph)x2 24sDock Spawn list indexitemfsrtquant1potion:8197302012arrow302083potion:8197302014arrow302085bow p1/p1304016potion:8197302017arrow302088potion:8197302019arrow3020810arrow3020811arrow3020812Leather Helm pr33020113Leather Chest pr33020114Leather Leggings pr33020115Leather Boots pr33020116arrow3020817potion:81973020118arrow3020819potion:81973020120arrow3020821potion:81973020122arrow3020823potion:81973020124Iron_Sword s2/kb13040125arrow3020826potion:81973020127arrow3020828potion:81973020129arrow3020830potion:81973020131potion:163963030232potion:163963030233potion:81973020134arrow3020835potion:81973020136arrow3020837arrow3020838potion:81973020139potion:163963030240potion:1639630302 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites